  • 學位論文


A Study of Key Evulation Criteria in Bidding for Power Plant’s Repair Project

指導教授 : 黃信豪


電力,是工業發展的命脈!繁華的國家,電力更是不可或缺的角色。根據資料顯示,民國103年售電量為2,059.6億度,其中工業用電1,139.4億度,佔55.3%,由此可知,電力的需求是如此的依賴與不可或缺。   發電廠機組的維修用意在於保養機組機器與減少機組故障發生率,在維修期間若能確實做好保養與更換零件,就能降低機組在發電時突發的故障問題發生,以維持機組正常發電與儲電之運作。台電維修工程多為民間工程公司承攬,在政府採購法的規範前提之下,承攬商在投標前必須考慮的因素很多,如能在投標前做好完善的評估與風險管理,了解各家承攬商投標時的主要評估因素,就可以降低失敗的危險因子。   本研以兩階段問卷調查的方式進行,第一階段問卷採用幾何平均數(Geometric mean),第二階段問卷採用層級分析法(AHP),並透過EXCEL以及Super Decisions決策分析軟體進行問卷資料的統計與分析後,得到承攬商在投標時的主要評估因素中前三項次為「工程成本條件」、「施工條件與風險」、而「工程基本條件」與「公司經營策略」並列第三項次,在15項次要評估因素中前三項次為「職災因子」、「工程所需技術」、「小包配合度」,本研究結果可成為新成立或有意投標台電工程之公司為投標前的參考依據,且讓極負使命的公共工程能如期順利及安全的完工。


The purpose of repairing electric generating sets is to maintain machines and reduce the frequency of malfunction. During the repairing period, certainly maintaining and replacing components can avoid sudden breakdown problems, and keep supplying and storing electricity. Non-governmental companies usually take charge of the repairing works of Taiwan Power Company. Under the regulation of government procurement act, the contractors have to consider a lot of factors before bidding for repair project in order to reduce the risk of project failure. This study is executed in the way of two-stage questionnaire: first stage uses Geometric mean to filter out the most important evaluation criteria; and second stage adopts Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach to determine the ranking of evaluation criteria. Excel and Super Decisions software are applied to calculate and analysis the data. The research result indicates that the ranking of primary evaluation criteria is as follows: “work condition and risk”, “project cost”, “project basic requirement”, and “company’s business strategy”. In addition, the top three secondary evaluation criteria are: “occupational hazards factors”, “project required technique”, and “subcontractor compatibility”.


AHP Power Plant Repair Project Evaluation Criteria


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