  • 學位論文


The Application of the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - A Study of the New Caster Manufacturing Process of the Case Company

指導教授 : 胡伯潛


隨著科技的進步,各種醫療設備或儀器也不斷的推陳出新,由於許多醫療用的設備或儀器都會被放置於可移動的推車上以方便使用,這些推車的腳輪因而扮演了重要的角色。為了因應市場的成長與變化,各腳輪製造廠商皆必須不斷地研發各式不同的腳輪以滿足相關產業與客戶的需求。 在全球競爭激烈的腳輪產業中,個案公司採取跨國性經營的方式,將產品外銷到全球各地,同時也一直積極的開發各式新產品腳輪,以高品質、高性能和獨特性等產品,迎合滿足不同消費族群的需求。 個案公司目前已將多種新的產品導入量產的階段,而在此過程中,仍會發生一些在開發階段中所未發現的問題。失效模式與效應分析(Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,FMEA)是一種能將潛在問題於事先辨認出來,以預防其發生的一種分析方法。本研究乃嘗試導入失效模式與效應分析的實施,蒐集個案公司過去的客訴資料和腳輪相關問題的資料,彙整出對新腳輪製程品質影響的29項失效模式,並透過專家問卷調查,調查結果經分析計算後,重要性居前五名的失效模式分別為:塑膠零件回潮、導電劑摻加量不足、FREE狀態下煞車片會磨到下盤、踏板無法定位、輪蓋卡榫與輪子無法緊密配合。 針對本研究所得到的結果,個案公司應即刻以專案的方式處理辨認出的失效問題,以減低腳輪在全球市場銷售後可能出現的品質問題,如此亦可增進公司員工對產品與製程品質控制應變能力,並降低公司損失。 關鍵字:新腳輪、製程、失效模式與效應分析、失效模式


In recent years, the proportion of the elderly population keeps rising in many countries, and in an aging society, long-term care centers, elderly nursing homes and other institutions are also growing gradually. The equipments used by theseinstitutions need to be well maintained to ensure patient safety. Caster is a key component used in sickbeds and other equipments and has a direct impact on the effectiveness and safety of using these equipments. In order to stay in the fierce globally competitive caster industry, the case company keeps developing a variety of new casters to meet the needs of different consumer groups. However, during the manufacturing processes of the new casters, some problems occur. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a proactive, analytical tool that can be used to identify problems (failure modes) in advance to prevent the occurrence of these problems. This study adopts the FMEA for the new caster manufacturing process of the case company to improve the quality of the process. After collectingpast customer complaint data and related qualityissues of the casters, 29 failure modes have been recognized.Through an expert questionnaire survey the top five ranking failure modes are identified as: plastic parts resurgence, insufficient conductive agent, brake pad will wear buttom discunder the FREE state, the pedal cannot be aligned, wheel cover latch and the wheels can not be matched. The case company should organize a team to resolve all the failure modes identified in this study to improve the quality and the competitiveness of the new casters and reduce the companys losses because of the quality problems. Keywords: New Caster, Manufacturing Process, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, Failure Mode


