  • 學位論文


Development of a Pixhawk-based Aerial Robot with Spreading System for Agriculture

指導教授 : 李孟澤


本研究目的是建立一套農用無人飛機,該飛機搭載自行開發的藥料撒佈系統、遙控器參數更改功能、低電壓返航記憶航點功能及斷藥返航記憶航點功能;撒佈系統供無人飛行器撒佈農用藥料之系統,透過飛行控制器給予訊號進行動作控制出料的多寡;遙控器參數更改功能,無人飛機進行自動駕駛時可透過遙控器上的撥扭開關更改飛機的撒佈模式;低電壓返航記憶航點功能,無人飛機於自動駕駛時能夠透過感測器感測到電池為低電壓時,啟動自動返航並且記錄返航前所在的經緯度位置,更換電池後,接續前一次的航點位置進行任務。斷藥返航系統,當感測器感測到藥箱裡的藥料撒佈完畢時,無人飛機會記錄當前經緯度並且返航進行補料,補料完畢後,接續前一次的航點位置進行灑藥。本系統由一套Pixhawk飛行控制系統與藥料撒佈系統構成,Pixhawk是一套穩定且功能齊全的嵌入式飛行載具控制器,此系統提供開源程式以及功能完善的即時監控地面站,藥料撒佈系統是一套由藥箱、伺服機、3D列印之料口組成。 本研究旨在建立一套農業用無人飛機,在Pixhawk飛控板上新增兩樣功能,透過實際飛行成功地測試驗證程式功能。


The goal of this research is to build an agriculture UAV which equipped with a spreading system. We created three new functions in the copter, an in-flight RC transmitter parameter change function, a battery low-voltage position record and resume function and an insecticides-tank-empty position record and resume function. The spreading system provides the function for UAV to spread insecticides (or fertilizer). During mission, users can change the spreading mode easily through RC transmitter to adapt various insecticides or fertilizer. Besides, the innovative battery low-voltage position record and resume function will allow the UAV automatically write the “battery-out” position and then command the copter return to change battery, and then automatically resume to carry out the rest of mission. In the other hand, if the UAV’s fertilizer tank is empty during spreading missions, the same procedures will be automatically triggered to complete the whole mission. Three above mentioned innovative function developed in this research are all based on a very low-cost COTS Pixhawk flight controller. Several field spreading tests has been conducted and successfully validated its feasibility and reliability.


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