  • 學位論文


Research on Effectiveness of Using Mind Map and Cooperative Learning on Question-posing Activity: A Case of English Reading Comprehension in Junior High School

指導教授 : 藍友烽


問題發佈可引導學生主動設計問題,並藉由設計問題的過程中,增進學生的學習策略。教學應為師生雙向互動的過程,若教學者能引導學生發展「善問」的能力,可提升學生的創意和分析力,故如何善用問題發佈策略,或相關學習技巧,來增進學生在問題發佈的成效,以擴大學習效果,乃教學者應深入研究的學習活動。 本篇論文的研究目的是指導學生繪製心智圖以幫助學生組織並了解文章大意,以此探討教授心智圖及合作學習對學生問題發佈及閱讀理解度的影響,並了解學生對本研究學習活動的安排滿意度。本研究邀請22位平均年齡15歲就讀雲林縣某國中三年級學生為實驗研究對象,進行六週共十五節的教學,再根據心智圖分別以個人或小組合作學習的方式應用於問題發佈活動。 量化資料採用共變數分析,探討三種教學法(傳統教學,心智圖教學及心智圖結合合作學習教學)在實驗六週後對學生閱讀理解程度之影響,根據研究結果發現,三種教學法對閱讀後測成績所造成的實驗處理效果尚未達顯著差異。此外,使用獨立樣本單因子變異數分析,結果發現受試者接受三種教學法後對問題發佈總量並無顯著差異。接著,結果也發現透過心智圖結合合作學習教學能使學習者於教學活動後發展較多較高層次的問題。另外,由學習滿意度調查結果顯示,學習者對本次學習活動的安排多持肯定態度。最後,根據研究結果進行討論並提出教師教學及未來研究的建議。


問題發佈 心智圖 合作學習


Question-posing is a good way to help students to design questions on their own. From the process of designing questions, students can enhance their learning strategies. Furthermore, if teachers can guide students to promote their motivation of asking questions, they can be more creative and analytic. For this reason, as a teacher, it’s worth studying on how to utilize the appropriate question posing strategy or technique study means to strengthen the result of a question posing and enhance the learning efficiency. The purpose of this research is based on the mind map theory, so as to evaluate the influence on question posing activities and the ability of reading comprehension caused by this strategy combined with cooperative learning. This research invited 22 15-year-old junior high school students in Yunlin County, as the experiment object. Each week these students spent a 220-minutes class time, according to what they had learned at class, draw the mind map to understand the main idea of reading. Then, they can use their own mind maps to discuss with their group members. After that, they can use mind maps on question-posing activity. The analysis of variance(ANOVA) were performed to deal with the quantification material, the study were, after the 6-week experiment, to know the difference of reading comprehension post-test between three types of English teaching methods: traditional teaching method, guided mind maps, and guided mind maps with cooperative learning. According to the result, the study found that there was no significantly different between post-test results of three types of English teaching methods. Furthermore, the results indicated that there was no significant difference between the quantities of question-posing results of the three types of English teaching. However, the results showed more complex-level thinking questions were posed of guided mind maps with cooperative learning. Therefore, regarding the results of questionnaires of learning satisfaction of students’, most of the participants showed high satisfaction. Finally, this study made recommendations based on the field observation of the experiment and the research findings as a reference for relevant future research.


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