  • 學位論文


The Application of Kano Model into the Efficiency of the Service Quality in Land Administration Office-A Case Study of Land Office, Yunlin County

指導教授 : 賴福來


地政為庶政之母,為一切建設的根本,其服務品質良窳是民眾對政府行政效能的第一印象。故要如何提昇地政事務所行政效能及滿足民眾的服務品質需求,是當前一項重要課題。本研究以雲林縣地政事務所為對象,有別於以往傳統方式評估地政服務品質成效,本研究以SERVQUAL量表為問卷架構,提出25個題目四種問項的問卷調查方式,並整合利用二維品質模型(Kano’s Model, Kano)歸類出民眾對服務品質屬性分類選項,並將這些指標透過重要度-表現分析法 (Important-Performance Analysis, IPA)找出重要度與滿意度指標分布狀況,以更清楚地瞭解民眾的聲音與需求。期望進一步歸納出重點並改善服務品質,藉此技術、方法得以找出關鍵品質。本研究發現13個一元品質要素及6個當然品質要素,再賦予重要品質要素適當權重,結合關鍵品質之標準化權重量化後,導入品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)所建構的品質屋(House of Quality, HOQ),歸納出:(1)落實主動服務,(2)服務態度,(3)服務案件處理,(4)反應能力等,提供雲林縣各地政事務所對提升服務民眾滿意度的改善參考。


Land administration is the mother of general affair and the foundation of construction and the service’s quality is the first impression for civilian to judge effectiveness. Therefore, the most important topic in this study is how to improve the efficiency of Land administration office and civilian’s service quality.This study mainly focuses on Land administration in Yunlin County. This study is totally different from traditional evaluation as SERVQUAL is the framework in questionnaire which is 25 topics and 4 sections. Then, people is classified by Kano Model, which is through Important-Performance Analysis to find out the distribution status in important level and satisfaction index, and people’s needs and requirements can be realized easily. Hopefully, further understanding of the service quality can be found and by this technique and method, the key can be found.The study discovered 13 One-dimensional quality element and 6 must-be quality element. Giving an appropriate grade of important quality factor, and then combine with the standard grade of key quality element, the House of Quality (HOQ) is intergate of which Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is constructed. We can draw 4 conclusions from the research: (1) the implementation of active service, (2) attitude, (3) service case processing, (4) response capacity. These can provide the reference material for increasing satisfaction of service public at all levels land offices in Yunlin County.


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