  • 學位論文


The Impact of Halved Shareholders’ Imputation Tax Credit on Corporate Dividend Policy

指導教授 : 廖彩伶


本研究欲探討實施股東可扣抵稅額減半對公司股利政策的影響,本研究自台灣經濟新報(TEJ)資料庫中選取2012至2015年上市上櫃公司,共6119筆資料,檢視稅額扣抵比率與各年度股利支付率變動之關聯性,實證發現2013年稅額扣抵比率對現金股利支付率變動有正向影響,2014年則為負向影響;此外,本文亦發現高稅額扣抵比率族群2013年(2014年)增發(減發)程度大於低稅額扣抵比率族群;推論其原因係由於2014年的盈餘是在2015年才決議發放,亦即實施稅額扣抵減半第一年,顯示股東可扣抵稅額減半新稅制的實施確實造成股東稅負壓力增加,進而影響公司股利政策進行減發之調整;反之2013年為股東可享全額扣抵的最後一年,因此公司傾向對股利政策進行增發之調整。 最後本研究另額外檢測稅額扣抵比率與各年度庫藏股買回之關聯性來探討站在股東稅負壓力考量下,公司是否會藉由執行庫藏股買回替代現金股利發放,而替大股東進行節稅,實證結果並未發現臺灣上市上櫃公司會有以庫藏股買回方式替代現金股利發放之情形,推測其原因係為政府當局對於庫藏股買回已訂出嚴謹的法規,規定於特定目的下方能執行庫藏股買回,尚難由公司恣意為股東節稅目的而執行庫藏股買回。


This study aims to examine the impact of this amendment on corporate dividend policy. Based on 6119 firm-year observations from 2012 to 2015, the empirical results show that corporate tax deduction ratio in 2013(2014) positively(negatively) affects the changes in cash dividend payouts. Besides, the degree of cash dividend payouts increase(decrease)in 2013(2014)for high tax deduction ratio subgroup is greater than that for low tax deduction ratio subgroup. As the implementation of such an amendment does increase shareholders’ tax burden, the evidence suggests that firms appear to adjust their dividend policies to compensate shareholders. Given that firms’ earnings and dividends of 2014 are announced and declared in 2015 and it was the first year for implementation of halved shareholders’ imputation tax credit, firms are found to reduce their dividends to lower shareholders’ tax load. By contrast, firms are found to increase their dividend payments of 2013, which was declared in 2014 and it was the last year for shareholders to enjoy the whole amount of imputation tax credit. In addition, this study further explores whether firms repurchase their outstanding shares to replace their cash dividend payments. However, we find no supporting evidence of increased stock repurchases following 2015. Presumably the strict regulations and monitoring by the authorities requiring firms to repurchase shares explicitly have deadened the incentives of using share repurchases to replace dividend payouts by firms for saving shareholders tax payments.


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