  • 學位論文


Manufacture and Analysis of a Shaving Cutter with New Relief Portion



傳統的刮齒刀根槽多以鑽孔或銑製的方式加工,其中鑽孔加工容易造成 應力集中,而利用銑刀加工則加工效率差,因而本論文將改以滾齒加工根槽 並建立其數學模式,以改善鑽孔與銑製的缺點。 刮齒刀破壞的主因是由於彎曲應力過大造成齒根斷裂、變形或插槽刃口 斷裂,變形過大亦造成刮削齒形不易控制的缺點。因此,吾人亦針對新式刮 齒刀根槽進行應力分析,並將所得之結果與鑽孔加工根槽之刮齒刀做比較, 藉此印證本論文提出之新式刮齒刀根槽加工,其抗彎強度及加工效率,均較 之鑽孔加工根槽之刮齒刀更為優良。 由於實際的刮齒刀齒面具有插槽後所形成的刃口,而切削的作用與刃 口接觸位置有極大的影響,因此本論文亦探討刮齒作用之接觸橢圓,以做 為刮齒刀三維應力分析時之受力條件給定的依據及後續齒形分析的基礎。 最後,透過 ANSYS 軟體,來進行具插槽之新式刮齒刀具的強度分析,所得 到的資料數據,將可用來與傳統製程所加工出之刮齒刀具進行比較,並做 為往後分析齒形的重要依據。




In this paper, a novel method of using a hob cutter with protuberance was proposed to manufacture the relief portion of a shaving cutter. This method avoided standard manufacturing problems, enhanced the efficiency of production, and also increased the stiffness of the shaving cutter. The mathematical models of a rack cutter and the generated shaving cutter were derived, from which the limiting depth of serration was found. With the derived equations, a solid model of the shaving cutter was also built. The gear set is assumed to be a rigid body. By applying the contact surface topology method, the shaving cutter contact pattern is simulated. In order to prove the correctness of the analysis-model, the finite element method is used to analyze the tooth contact situation under loads, the correspoding gear stresses and displacement distributions on the shaving cutter contact surface are also investigated. Based on the final comparison results of this paper, the proposed analysis method is proven that the shaving cutter manufactured by the proposed novel method can have higher stiffness than the shaving cutter with relief hole and can be used to analyze the gear contact pattern, and can also be extend to other types of shaving cutter, Besides, much more information about the contact pattern of the designed shaving cutter is obtained and this can help us to modify our design and offer some important design information which may reduce the shaving cutter development procedures.




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