  • 學位論文


Study on Application of Case-based Reasoning to Select Middle-level Managers in Manufacturing Industry



企業人力資源的工作在經歷多年的蛻變轉型之下,逐漸地朝著策略取向的角色,管理者應體認到企業最珍貴的資產是合適的人才。然而,人力資源主要探討的就是「用人」,在面對企業之人才的選擇,以及安排至合適的位置,已成為企業以及學者專家間爭相討論的課題。管理大師彼得.杜拉克曾說:「沒有任何決策比用人策略的影響更為深遠」。如今,用「人」、選「人」已經成為企業變革管理與企業再造重要的因素。外在環境的變動,對企業的成長與否定固有一定的影響與衝擊,在知識管理大師野中郁次郎和竹內弘高(Nonaka & Takeuchi)提出「由中而上而下的管理方式」論點中,認為中階主管能夠試圖解決高層所創造出來的理想與遠景及基層實務觀點的衝突,中階主管在企業中扮演著舉足輕重的角色。 本研究利用問卷調查的方式,以中南部製造業中階管理人員為受訪者,收集研究所需之資料,並利用描述性統計、信度分析、變異數分析等統計方法,了解問卷內容的相關性。其後利用因素分析方法萃取十個甄選指標,分別為誠信正直、個人品德、問題解決之能力、工作情緒、專業技能、工作紀律、融會貫通、培訓人才、工作態度、創新能力,並將十個甄選指標建立在案例式推理(Case-based Reasoning,CBR)系統中,以當作系統的索引。 本研究以Excel VBA做為案例式推理系統建置之基礎,並以模擬的方式測試系統之實用性。測試結果顯示,案例式推理系統確實能有效的比對出合適職位需求的人選,未來期使本系統能提供企業界以系統化方式遴選最具競爭力的中階管理人才。




One of the major preoccupations of Human Resource in the past few years has emphasized on the role of strategy-inducted. The managers should be recognized that the value of people in the success of its business. However, the highlight of Human Resource was staffing. The issue of how to select the right people and put it on the right position has been widely investigated. The father of modern management, Peter Drucker said that”Of all the decisions an executive makes, none are an important as the decision about people, because they determine the performance capacity of the organization”. Now, how to pick and select the right people are the most significant factors of business reformation. The master of Knowledge Management, Nonaka and Takeuchi proposed a viewpoint about the management of middle to up then down. It has been argued, by them, that the middle-level managers could attempt to solve the conflict between the ideal vision and practical viewpoint. So the middle-level managers play an importment decisive role. The study utilizes questionnaire investigation, subjects were the middle-level managers in manufacturing industries in Southern Taiwan, to collect the data that the research needed, and useing Describing Statistics ,Reliability Analysis , ANOVA etc., to understand the dependence of the content of the questionnaire. Thereafter uses the Factor Analysis to extract ten indexes of selecting, and set up ten indexes of selecting in the Case-based Reasoning (CBR) system, and we constructed a CBR with the ten indexes. The study uses Excel VBA as the foundation of the systematic construction of CBR, and test systematic practicability by simulation. The test result shows, the CBR system can search effectively the suitable person to the suitable position. Future work will hopefully be replicated in other manufacturing industries systematically.




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