  • 學位論文


Using Fuzzy Multiple Objective Decision Making to Solve a Reverse Auction Problem



由於網際網路與電子商務的蓬勃發展,使得買賣交易由傳統的交易市場轉向以網路為基礎的電子市場,為買賣雙方提供整合及交易情報的協同網路環境。在買賣雙方的競合關係下,雙方的交易方式亦隨著市場競爭與電子商務的不斷演進而逐漸改變,由買方主導的線上逆向拍賣 (Reverse Auctions) 已成為網際網路上受歡迎的拍賣模式之一。顧客或企業利用逆向拍賣,讓供應商參與競標 (bids) 來壓低供應商之價格,因此供應商應該更加重視自己的成本管理,訂定合理的價格來獲得較高的利潤,並從所有參與競標者中,贏得訂單,取得較佳的競爭優勢。 本研究為促進逆向拍賣之效率,提出一基於多評選準則的模型,在供應商端,建立模糊多目標規劃模型,並制定一啟發式演算法來求解,以協助供應商決定其標案內容 (報價);在顧客端,則以多屬性決策方法來協助顧客選取最佳標案。在供應商之模糊多目標規劃問題的啟發式演算法設計上,本研究以主生產排程與可允諾量 (Available to promise, ATP)之資訊為基礎,調整生產計畫以產生本問題之可行解。可允諾量的應用同時也提供銷售與生產部門間的協調機制,不僅可快速回應顧問詢價,也化解了產銷間的衝突。本研究最後提供一完整例子以說明本研究之方法。




The prosperity of Internet-based electronic commerce has facilitated the development of electronic marketplace, providing an integrated and collaborative trading platform for buyers and sellers. Trading models in the cyber world has diversified with the evolution of e-Commerce and market competition. Among which, buyer-driven reverse auction has become one of the popular trading models in e-Commerce. The introduction of reverse auction drives the suppliers reducing their prices to win the bid, and hence forces them to improve their pricing techniques and cost management. The present study aims to improve the efficiency of the reverse auction by an integrated model that optimizes both parties’ (i.e. buyer and seller) interests. Multiple-criterion-decision-making approaches are applied to solve the reverse auction problem. At the supplier side, the bidding process is formulated as a fuzzy multiple objective programming problem to assist the supplier determining its optimum offer; at the customer side, the selection of the best offers from suppliers is considered as a multiple attribute decision making problem and is solved by the TOPSIS method. The solution of the supplier’s fuzzy multiple objective programming problem is obtained by a heuristic algorithm. The principle of the algorithm is to adjust the production plan based on the information of current master production schedule and available to promise (ATP) inventory. The use of ATP not only can response to customer’s quotation quickly but also resolve the conflict between the sales and the production departments. The proposed approach is demonstrated by a well-designed example.




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