  • 學位論文


Design and implementation of electrically assisted bicycle management system



本研究主要目的係針對所提出的新型電動輔助自行車進行性能模擬分析、控制系統設計與製作、以及實車測試。電動輔助自行車傳動系統主要特徵為使馬達兼具傳動與發電的功能,可在下坡及減速時發電回充電池,同時亦可利用人力驅動馬達發電回充電池,藉此可將電瓶電容量縮小及增加續航力。 本文首先依據相關數學模式,以Matlab�Simulink軟體建構反向動態模型,以了解系統運作情形,並以一個修正的ECE-40行駛模式,模擬電動輔助自行車各元件的輸出響應,利用不同運作情況來了解整體系統的性能特性。模擬結果顯示,本研究所提出之新型電動輔助自行車,具有良好的腳踩踏板回充特性。 本研究電動輔助自行車控制系統設計與製作分三階段進行,首先選定系統規格與架構,其次對自行車馬達控制器、殘電量計、能源管理控制器與主控制器等進行設計與製作,並於組裝各部零件後,進行系統整合與實車性能測試。其中,能源管理系統主要是用來規劃燃料電池與鉛酸電池兩種動力源之電能系統的能源分配,並以電動馬達輔助,使騎乘者有舒適之腳踏力驅車前進。 本研究在性能測試部分,依據鉛酸電池與燃料電池兩種不同動力源來區分。鉛酸電池電動輔助自行車行駛模式可分為純電動模式、電動輔助模式、以及腳踩回充模式。燃料電池電動輔助自行車之行駛模式則為鉛酸電池與燃料電池混成動力模式。實驗結果顯示,藉由能源管理系統運作,混成動力模式與腳踩踏力回充皆能提高行駛里程數,改善一般電動輔助自行車里程數不足之缺點。 關鍵詞:燃料電池、電動輔助自行車、腳踏回充、混成動力模式




This paper presents a novel electrically assisted bicycle including performance simulation, design and implementation of the management system, and prototype machines test. The main characteristic of this bicycle’s transmission system is the electric motor can be functioned as a generator. When the bicycle brakes or moves downhill, the electric motor is switched into a generator providing the braking effort to the bicycle and charging the batteries. The top levels of the electrically assisted bicycle model using the backward-facing approach, programmed in the Matlab/Simulink environment, are established. The bicycle’s performance is predicted for a modified driving cycle of the Economic Commission for Europe (a modified ECE-40) under various operation conditions. The simulation results show the novel electrically assisted bicycle proposed in this paper has good performance for recharging the battery. There are three steps to design and build the management system of electrically assisted bicycle. The design specifications and system constructions are performed first. Then, the motor controller, the meter of the state of charge of battery, the energy management controller, and the master controller are designed and built. Finally, the novel electrically assisted bicycle are assembled and tested. Moreover, on the energy management system, two power sources of the lead-acid battery and fuel cell is used in the new design and the design target is to get a effort-saving for the driver. In the performance test, there are three driving modes are achieved for the lead-acid battery electrically assisted bicycle: pure electrically mode, electrically assisted mode and battery recharging mode. Additionally, the hybrid mode test used lead-acid battery and fuel cell is carried out for the fuel cell electrically assisted bicycle. The results show both the lead-acid battery electrically assisted bicycle and the fuel cell electrically assisted bicycle are able to increase the total mileages which is the disadvantage of existing electric ally bicycle. Keywords: fuel cell, electrically assisted bicycle, battery recharge hybrid driving mode.




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