  • 學位論文


The Effect of Coating Film on The Thermal Stress of Metal Matrix Composite

指導教授 : 何智廷


在碳纖維強化金屬基複合材料中,由於碳纖維與金屬間有差異極大之熱膨脹係數,因而熱殘留應力會在製造複合材料時於冷卻當中被引起。通常此殘留熱應力之大,甚至可造成金屬機塑性變形,因而可知此殘留熱應力對複合材料性質因有顯著之影響。 在本研究中,使用銅及鎳用來電鍍碳纖維,以及以複合電鍍得到Cu, Ni鍍層材料。鋁基及錫-鉛合金複合材料乃用擠壓鑄造法來製造。當鍍層材料之熱膨脹係數增加時,複合材料中殘留熱應力將會減少。當增加鍍層厚度時,殘留熱應力將會減少。


Owing to the large thermal expansion expansion mismatch in the fiber longitudinal direction between carbon fiber and metal matrix, the thermal stress can be induced during cooling from high temperature for composite fabrication. The thermal stress can be large enough to cause yielding in the matrix. these thermal stresses can have a substantial effect on the carbon fibers reinforced metal matrix composite's performance. In this project, the Cu or Ni coating materials was used on coating carbon fiber. composite coating technique was used to get Cu/Al2O3 and Ni/Al2O3 coatings. the composite with aluminium and tin-lead matrix was fabricated by squeeze in composites generated during cooling decreased as the thermal expansion coefficient of the coating film increased. When the thickness of the coating was increased, the residual stress of the composite was decreased.


4. H.S.Park,PH.D.Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin(1989).
7. E.G.Wolff, in “Proceedings of the Eighth International Thermal Expansion Symposium”, edited by T.A.Hahn, June 1981 (Amer.Inst.Phys.,N.Y.).
1. S.D.Tsai, D.Mahulikar, H.L.Marcus, I.C.Noyan and J.B.Cohen, Mater. Sci Eng.47(2), P.1459(1981)
2. S.D. Tsai, M.Schmerling and H.L. Marcus, in “Proceeding of the sagamore Army materials Research Conference”, Bolton landing,N.Y., July 1981,edited by E.Kula and V.Weiss(plenum press 1982) P.425.
