  • 學位論文


A Study on the Key Factors of Incorporating Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) for Enterprises in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃信豪


本研究的目的是為了探討中部地區已經導入優質企業認證(Authorized Economic Operator)制度,符合「優質企業安全審查項目及驗證基準」的要求並經海關認證許可的企業廠商,為何導入此項制度的關鍵因素分析。本研究從法規面、實務面、心理面等多元層面來探討企業的需求及期待,將關鍵因素區分成六項主要關鍵因素及三十項次要關鍵因素,對於製造業、進、出口商、報關業、承攬業、併裝業、運輸業等國際物流供應鏈各環節之關係人,特別是製造業、進、出口商等,進行專家問卷調查。 使用層級分析法來找出目前供應鏈中,各受訪企業認為導入最重要的因素為何,並依分析方法規則來進行兩階段的專家問卷調查,層級分析法給予的權重先計算出各項因素的數值,將未達自訂標準的因素予以剔除,再依數值大小排定排名順序。研究結果顯示主要關鍵因素前三名依序為:優惠措施、貨物安全、競爭優勢;次要關鍵因素前三名為加速通關便利、促進國際互惠、非侵入式貨物查驗。此研究結果可供廠商自行評估投入效益的高低,及政府機關制定法規政策之參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore the key factors of incorporating Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) for enterprises in central Taiwan. This study looks at regulatory, practical, psychological aspects of these enterprises’ needs and expectations, and divides their considerations into six main key factors and 30 minor key factors. Expert survey approach is used to investigate the opinions of manufacturers, imports, exporters, customs, carriers, consoliders, and distributors in the international logistics supply chain. The survey is conducted in two stages. In the first stage, all the factors are evaluated by the experts in order to filter out unimportant factors. Then, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to decide which factors are most important in incorporating Authorized Economic Operator (AEO). The result shows that top three major key factors are: “preferential measures”, “cargo security”, and “competitive advantage”; minor key factors are “convenience of customs clearance”, “promotion of international reciprocity”, “non-intrusive cargo inspection”.


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