  • 學位論文


Dynamic Effects on Speed Reducers using Different Component Designs

指導教授 : 謝秋帆


本論文之研究是針對兩種不同類型設計的減速機分別進行探討,第一種為新型減速機設計是利用十字型滑塊連接著擺線輪與輸出軸的輸出傳遞的方式來建構出單階擺線式新型減速機,第二種為雙階擺線式軸承減速機設計,將斯洛伐克SPINEA這家公司所製造的減速機進行拆解繪製並參考內部機構的結構,將影響較小的零件少量化,另外在針輪與擺線輪的部分改成用內外齒的咬合方式來降低減速比,進而建構出完整的減速機,雖然這兩種為不同類型設計的減速機,但是皆為利用十字型連接件的方式,進行傳遞動力。 本文首先使用Solidworks繪圖軟體建構出兩種不同類型設計的減速機,接著使用Solidworks中的分析軟體對機構進行動態模擬及應力分析,分別給予不同大小負載的情況,各別分析兩種不同類型設計之減速機運轉過程中其各零件的運動與應力狀態,最後再針對這兩種減速機之分析結果與差異性分別進行討論。


減速機 動態模擬 應力


In the study, we discuss two different designs of speed reducer. The first one uses cross-shape slider connecting cycloid gear and output shaft to construct the single-stage cycloid speed reducer. The second one is the design of two-stage cycloid bearing speed reducer. We disassemble the speed reducer manufactured by SPINEA and draw reference to its internal structures, and we drop out the components which are less influential. Moreover, on the part of the pinwheel and cycloid gear, we change to inside and outside dental occlusion way in order to reduce the reduction ratio. Although there are two different reducer designs, both of them use cross-shape connectors to transfer power. In this study, we first use Solidswords to construct two different designs of speed reducer. Then, we use the analytical software in the Solidworks to do dynamic simulation and stress analysis. Under the condition of giving different loads for each design, we analyze its components’ motion and stress during the operating process. At the end, we discuss the analytical results and the differences among two designs.


Reducer Dynamic simulation Stress


