  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumer Behavior and Market Segmentation in Internet Banking Sector

指導教授 : 李竹芬




With the rapid development and widespread use of Internet technology, Internet banking has become an indispensable marketing channel for which an up-to-date bank provides financial services. The market segmentation techniques used by the traditional banks in the past could possibly become no longer adequate for the online financial environment of nowadays. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to segment the consumers in the Internet banking market, and then to analyze and describe the distinguishing characteristics and consumer behaviors in each segment that it may help the banks build their marketing strategy. This study conducted a questionnaire-based survey, and the sample was derived from 442 personal users of domestic Internet banking using both convenience sampling and nowball sampling. The results showed that customers could be divided into three clusters according to the different types of benefits they valued. The identified consumer clusters differed significantly from each other not only in types of lifestyle but in hours of Internet use, frequency of Internet banking usage and financial services mix often used as well.


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