  • 學位論文


Mobile English Learning System

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


隨著資訊技術的演進,帶動智慧型手機的普及,亦促進行動應用程式(mobile application)的市場發展,人們對於智慧型手機的依賴度愈來愈高,形成現代文明病症。本研究以MIT App Inventor 2發展一套全面性的行動語言學習軟體,並提供目的性學習的功能,作為未來發展的啟發,進一步提升智慧型手機的價值。並透過App Inventor 2圖形化的程式撰寫,提供較易閱覽的系統程式碼,以減輕後續系統移轉的困難。 透過結合科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model,TAM)與資訊系統成功模式(Information System Success Model)的影響因子,提出研究架構與假說,並以問卷調查回收樣本資料,透過樣本資料分析得到假說的驗證。結果顯示,若要提高使用者對於英語自主學習的意願,未來應加強本研究的行動英文學習系統的有用性,以獲得明顯的成效。


With the evolution of information technology, it brings the popularity of smart phones, and also promotes the growth of the market for mobile application. People rely on the smart phones increasingly, and show the symptom of modern plague. This study aims to use MIT App Inventor 2 to develop a mobile application for comprehensive language learning and provide the feature of purposeful learning for inspiration. Promoting the mobile learning truly improves the value of smart phones. Through the graphical programming system of App Inventor 2, it provides people the easier reading codes and alleviates the difficulties of later system transfer. In the end, this study takes the impact factors of Technology Acceptance Model and Information System Success Model to set up the research framework and hypotheses. The questionnaire survey method is adopted for collecting the sample data. After analyzing the data by Partial Least Squares, all the hypotheses are verified.


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