  • 學位論文


Optical Characteristics of Phosphor Nanomaterials for Hybrid Solar Cells

指導教授 : 方得華
共同指導教授 : 姬梁文


本論文以研究奈米螢光材料的光致發光現象,並摻雜於太陽能電池做為調變吸收光譜為主軸,以溶膠凝膠法(sol-gel)合成方解石結構的銦硼氧(InBO3)為基質,分別摻雜鑭系稀土元素銪(Eu)、鉺(Er)與鋱(Tb),用於調變材料之螢光與吸收波段。並探討摻雜材料之光致發光特性與調變太陽能電池之影響。基質經DTA在683℃有一放熱峰,燒結溫度700℃可得穩定單一相,SEM與TEM得知於此條件下可得奈米材料,X光繞射光譜儀與EDS得知為銦硼氧(InBO3)單一相。螢光光譜的激發在261 nm有一峰值,發散於306 nm。隨著溫度上升激發強度增加。CIE色度座標x=0.501,y=0.433,顏色偏橙色。基質摻雜Eu、Er與Tb後,皆可以觀察到立方結構析出物為氧化銦(In2O3)析出,螢光光譜得知硝酸銪摻雜5 mol%時為最佳濃度,激發波段在263 nm,發散波段在616 nm有一峰值,為Eu3+的電子躍遷5DO - 7F1 (593nm)and 5D0 - 7F2 (616nm),顏色偏紅色,CIE色度座標x=0.651,y=0.349。Er摻雜0.5mol%時,激發241nm可得發散峰值為550nm,x=0.452,y=0.269,顏色為紅色偏粉紅,,摻雜濃度7%時發散波峰為417 nm,CIE色度座標x=0.152,y=202,顏色為淡藍色。Tb最佳摻雜為3 mol%,激發為236 nm,發散峰值為549 nm。CIE色度座標x=0.271,y=0.318,顏色為淺綠色,將合成之奈米螢光粉末,添加於混成太陽能電池中,補償紅外光波段的吸收。增加開路電壓、短路電流與填充因子使光電轉換效率提升。


In this work, we have investigated the photoluminescence spectra of lanthanide serie doped with indium boron oxide(InBO3). InBO3 phosphors prepared by sol-gel method. The products after annealed at 600~1000 ℃ were characterized by Differential Thermal Analyzer, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Photoluminescence spectra and UV spectrophotometer spectra analysis, Were characterize the InBO3 and synthetic InBO3:Z (Z=Eu、Er andTb) powders have been investigated.The results showed of the InBO3 powders after 700 ℃annealing main excitation wavelengths of the nanocrystals at 261 nm, The measured photoluminescence of the emission peaks was located at 306 nm. When the annealing temperature increased, the grain size and surface roughness were increased. XRD and EDS results of the powders VII showed a calcite stucture with Indium borate (InBO3). A second phase occurred at rare earth doped InBO3 showed bixbyite-type cubic crystals with Oxide Indium (In2O3). The base doped with 5mol% Eu had red light emission at 616 nm with a CIE color coordinate x=0.651, y=0.349,the 5DO - 7F1 (593 nm) and 5D0 - 7F2 (616 nm) emission characteristics of InBO3 appeared after quenching with more than 3 mol% Eu3+separate out. The base doped with 0.5 mol% Er had deeppink light emission at 550 nm with a CIE color coordinate x=0.452, y=0.269.when base doped with 7 mol % Er had sky blue ligth emission at 417nm with a CIE color coordinate x=0.152, y=0.202. The base doped with 3 mol% Tb had cyan light emission at 549 nm with a CIE color coordinate x=0.271, y=318.The synthesis of phosphor nanomaterials doped in hybrid solar cells, the compensation for the absorption of infrared light. Increase the open circuit voltage, short circuit current and fill factor, Increase the photoelectric conversion efficiency.


nanomaterial phosphor InBO3 solar cell


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