  • 學位論文


Online Monitoring of Rheological Properties of Plastic Melt

指導教授 : 林忠志


射出成型是各式生產方式中效率相當高的生產技術,但如果無法在生產的過程中控管品質,將導致材料的浪費及能源的損耗,並且增加製造成本與降低產業競爭力。以往的射出產品品質都是以外觀或尺寸為主,也就是僅用肉眼判斷,但越來越多的產品對品質的需求更高,不只有產品外觀尺寸需要注意,內在的品質也是關注的重點;例如殘留應力、射出穩定度會因為射出過程中參數設定的不恰當,導致機械性質受到剪切率、剪切應力和黏度流變行為的影響改變,使得產品強度上的差異。 本研究透過即時監測得到塑膠成型過程的流變特性,對於射出成型製造的產品可以得到進一步的掌控,另外如果機器發生異常時也可以從流變數據改變而可偵測到,使得改善射出品質時間縮短,本研究自行建立分析模組硬體,確認此模組的準確度,再進行後續的射出成型研究。透過與市售擷取數據設備和模流軟體的數值進行驗證與分析。 實驗結果顯示本研究的模組硬體與市售設備和模流軟體進行互相比較結果趨勢相同,可做為客制化裝置進行射出狀態量測設備,提供更詳細流變性質可以提供研究人員參考。


剪切率 黏度 剪應力 即時監測


Injection molding process, one of manufacture methods, is a high production rate process. It will cause material and energy waste and reduce competition in case of inappropriate setting in molding process. In general, the quality check for a molded part is merely focused on the appearance of the part by eye examination. However, more and more quality checks for the part not only on the appearance of it but the interior quality, such as residual stress, influenced by molding parameter setting. A novel tool to investigate the rheological property of plastic melt in molding process is proposed. The methodology for the rheological property is established first and then an experimental mold which contains a pressure sensor and a thermal couple and the data acquisition and processing equipment are prepared for validation. The shear rate, shear stress and viscosity of the melt in the filling stage of injection process can be calculated through the pressure and thermal data measurement. A commercial package and a simulation software are also used for accuracy validation. The results show that the data acquired from the proposed provides a quick and direct approach for the rheological property of the melt in molding process. It improve the usage of sensors measurement for injection molding industry.


shear rate viscosity shear stress online


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