  • 學位論文


A Study on the Community Capacity of Flagship Project and Effectiveness of Implementation-A Case Study on Xiushui Township in Changhua

指導教授 : 陳湘琴


自民國83年文建會提出「社區總體營造」的概念以來,各部會依其業管研擬相關作為,民國91年提出「挑戰2008-國家發展重點」的「新故鄉營造計畫」;迄民國94年行政院再頒佈「內政部旗艦競爭型計畫」,透過績優社區以「母雞帶小雞」的方式提升起步型社區培力,以提升社區能力並建構夥伴關係。經文獻探討歸納社區能力以「組織能力」、「網絡能力」、「方案能力」、「政治能力」及「資源能力」五大構面能力分佈情形,並以執行成效的「財務面」、「顧客面」、「內部流程面」、「學習面」及「成長面」五大構面數值分析並瞭解能力情形,以提供社區永續發展之參考。 本研究採取問卷方式進行調查,共發放問卷469份,有效問卷共計404份(Cronbach's Alpha值=0.963),結果簡述如下: 一、在社區能力五大構面以「組織能力」為強,題項5平均數4.37、次為「政治能力」題項4平均數4.29次高;另在「政治能力」題項2及「資源能力」題項2、3平均數均為3.75最低,顯示社區在組織運作與公部門互動良好,然而與地區農會與信仰中心較少互動,且在發展社區觀光與特色產業結合意願低。 二、在執行成效五大構面以「財務面」題項1平均數4.34最高、「內部流程面」題項3平均數4.28次高;另在「財務面」題項4平均數3.80最低、「成長面」題項4平均數3.81次低,顯示社區經費仍仰賴公部門為主,參加內政部評鑑配合意願低。 三、在社區幹部與居民不同教育程度對社區能力與執行成效的數值方面,均未達顯著水準,顯示社區發展不因教育程度不同而有所差異,然而,研究所以上教育程度平均數為4.07最高,從社區踏查中發現馬興及廍子等績優社區理事長及總幹事均為大學及碩士程度,顯示社區決策者具有高學歷對執行成效較佳。 四、在社區成立時間不同對社區能力與執行成效的數值方面有顯著差異,除20年以上「組織能力」及「財務面」平均數4.28最高外,其餘6-10年平均數皆高於其他變項,因此,資深社區組織能力較健全與成熟,而中生代社區具有活力,企圖心更強。 五、社區能力與執行成效之相關性方面,皆具有正向影響關係,且具高度相關 (皮爾森相關係數為0.795),即社區能力越強,相對在執行成效較為成熟與穩定。


Since the Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan has proposed the concept of Community Empowerment in 1994, every ministry started to plan projects. Nearly a decade important projects have been proposed such as project for “New Hometown Community Building Project” of “Challenge 2008 Six-Year National Development Plan” in 2002; In 2005, Executive Yuan has promulgated “Competitive Flagship Project for Community Welfare”, the Ministry of Interior, the conventional “top-down” government-led transferred bottom-up” community-led to enhance the capacity of communities and build partnerships. According to literature review generalized the capacity of communities from “organizational capacity”, “network capacity”, “capacity of the program”, “political capacity” and “resource capacity” five aspects of ability distribution, and effectiveness of the implementation of the “financial facet”, “customer facet”, “internal processes facet”, “learning facet” and “growth facet” of the five facets numerical analysis and ability to understand the situation, to provide a reference for sustainable development of the community. ii This study was conducted to take questionnaire survey, 469 questionnaires were distributed, a total of 404 valid questionnaires parts (Cronbach's Alpha value=0.963), the results are summarized as follows: (1) In terms of community capacity to "organizational capacity”, the highest average of option 5 was 4.37, “political capacity” which higher average of option 4 was 4.29; the lowest average of “political capacity” option 2 and “resource capacity” option 2 and 3 were 3.75, which showed community interact well with government in operating organization; however, community interact less with regional famer’s association and religious center and low willingness to develop community tourism and combine with local characteristics. (2) In terms of the effectiveness of the implementation to "financial facet", the highest average of option 1 was 4.34, , “internal processes facet” which higher average of option 3 was 4.28; the lowest average of “financial facet” option 4 was 3.80, the lower average of “growth facet” was 3.81, which showed the funds of community rely mainly on government and low willingness to participate in evaluation of Ministry of the Interior. (3) In terms of the community leaders and residents in different educational levels and effectiveness of the implementation of community, the results did not reach significant level, which showed the development of community did not be diversity because the different educational levels; however, the highest average of educational level above graduate school was 4.07. From superior communities such as Buzi community and Mahsing community, the director-general and secretary-general of community are all bachelor degree and associates degree which shows community policy-makers with higher degree perform better effectiveness of the implementation. (4) In terms of the ability of the community and the effectiveness of the implementation, the different time to establish community did have significant diversity. The highest average of “organizational capacity” and “financial facet” which more than 20 years was 4.28; other average with more than 6 to 10 years were higher than others. Therefore, senior community organizational capacity is more robust and mature, and Mesozoic community is dynamic and ambitious. (5) The capacity of community and implementation effectiveness of community have significant positive effect and highly correlation (Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.795), that is, the stronger the community, the relative effectiveness of the implementation of the community would perform better.


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