  • 學位論文

以反應燒結法製備價數補償Ba1-xAx(FeTa)0.5O3陶瓷之結構與介電性質研究(A= Pr、Bi)

Studies on the Structure and Dielectric Properties of High Valence Compensation for Ba1-xAx(FeTa)0.5O3 (A= Pr、Bi) ceramic by reaction-sintering process

指導教授 : 張益新


本研究係以反應燒結法在不經煆燒步驟下合成複合型鈣鈦礦陶瓷Ba(FeTa)0.5O3 (BFT) 之主體材料,並以不同價數之Pr3+、Bi3+離子來取代Ba2+離子位置,以製備出Ba1-xAx(FeTa)0.5O3(A=Pr、Bi) (x = 0.5 ~ 10 mol%) 之複合型鈣鈦礦強介電陶瓷體,探討其結晶、顯微結構特性與介電性質。 以乾式球磨反應燒結法合成Ba1-xAx(FeTa)0.5O3(A=Pr、Bi) (x = 0.5 ~ 10 mol%) 之複合型鈣鈦礦強介電陶瓷體。由研究顯示,BPFT及BBFT陶瓷皆在1300℃燒結8小時可獲得最佳的介電性質。其中Ba0.995Pr0.005(FeTa)0.5O3陶瓷在頻率100 Hz及溫度-20~180℃之介電常數為2×104 ~ 4×105,而Ba0.94Bi0.06(FeTa)0.5O3陶瓷體在頻率100 Hz及溫度-20~180℃之介電常數為1.5×105~2.5×105,所有陶瓷樣品的相對密度都大於95%。且不論BPFT及BBFT摻雜量為多少,其介電值均隨頻率的增加而減少,此表示BPFT及BBFT介電陶瓷為典型強介電弛緩體之介電材料,並在低頻範圍內擁有大量的方向性極化以及空間電荷極化。此外在燒結過程中由於氧空缺在晶界或在晶粒的擴散速度不同,導致晶界的阻抗遠大於晶粒,因此而形成所謂晶界層電容,以致於BPFN 及BBFN 鐵電陶瓷均獲得高介電常數。


反應燒結法 BFT 高介電材料


In this investigation, an complex perovskite structure, Ba(FeTa)0.5O3 (BFT), was chosen as the host material and doped with trivalence Pr3+ and Bi3+ ions to substitute the Ba2+ ion to form Ba1-xAx(FeTa)0.5O3 (A=Pr, Bi) ceramics prepared using the reaction sintering. In the complex perovskite oxides Ba1-xAx(FeTa)0.5O3(A=Pr, Bi) system, when the Pr3+ ion concentration increasing, the dielectric constant was decreased owing to the Pr3+ would made particle growth difficult and produced porosity increasing. The dielectric constant measured at 100 Hz is about 2×104 ~ 4×105 at room temperature for Ba0.995Pr0.005(FeTa)0.5O3 ceramic sintered at 1300 oC for 8 h. In addition, when Bi3+ ion concentration increasing, the density was increased due to the melting point of Bi2O3 is about 817 oC which could be acted as a flux reagent and increased the relative density. The dielectric constant measured at 100 Hz is about 1.5×105~2.5×105 at 25 oC for Ba0.94Bi0.06(FeTa)0.5O3 ceramic sintered at 1300 oC for 8 h. The relative densities for all the samples are over than 95%. The dielectric relaxor behavior with a broad temperature range was obtained for the BPFT and BBFT ceramics which were contributed by orientation and space charge polarization. The Cole-Cole plot analysis results indicated that the grain boundary-layer capacitance was produced for the Ba1-xAx(FeTa)0.5O3(A=Pr, Bi) system.


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