  • 學位論文


A Study of Mobile Devices in the Carpool Service System

指導教授 : 王秀鑾
共同指導教授 : 侯雍聰


在網路發達的時代,越來越多行動載具的創新,使得人們的生活已經不能離開這些資訊傳播工具,相關的應用層面也越來越多元化,提供行動裝置平台的相關應用程式(APP)在市場上將更有其開發價值。本研究平台是將UBER的共乘理念與台灣貨運業所說的「回頭車」概念結合起來,再利用人手一機的智慧型手機APP當作服務平台,先將平台使用者分為二類,一類為司機:初始建立帳號時登入車輛特性,爾後只要司機有載運貨物空間與”順路”時,就可將時間和路段利用此平台簡單的操作進行公告,這族群包含上班族上下班的這段路程、聯結車司機的空車路段、民眾搭乘大眾運輸工具移動、學生騎腳踏車上下課與家庭主婦步行市場買菜這短短路程都可成為”司機”,只要有產生位移,並可攜帶物品,就可為個人帶來錢財;二類為託運者:只要有託運需求,就可上到平台利用條件搜尋,平台列出符合他條件的司機並提供聯絡資訊,載運貨物相當廣泛,小從文件到大型機械皆可。本研究將透過問卷與相關從業人員訪談之中取得使用者需求,進而規劃及開發一套貨物共乘媒合平台。 研究結果顯示本平台可以提升運送效率,同時也不受限於交寄貨件的時間,各方面皆勝過傳統貨運業者,因此此平台有其開發之必要。


行動裝置 APP 貨物共乘 媒合平台


As the proliferation of Internet use, there are more and more innovative mobile devices are developed. We use the increasingly diversified tools in the information disseminations in our daily life. It is valuable for the provision service in the App platform of the marketplace. The aim of this study is to provide a service platform combined with UBER carpool and “car back”, in the same time, the smartphone is used as information dissemination tools for the information disseminations. Firstly, there are two groups in the platform, one is the drivers; they initial signature with their vehicle characteristics to establish an account, once upon the drivers have space of carried cargo and “on the way” situation, they will announce their time and sections on the service platform, the groups include office workers, truck drivers, students, housewife; the other are the shippers, as there is demand for shipping , we can use the Internet to search for connections between drivers and needs conditions, the service platforms will provide the contact information for either the carrying documents or the large mechanical goods. The results show that the proposed platform does improve the transport efficiency, it is necessary for the development of the car pool system of better service at high accuracy and good performance.


[2]鉅亨網編譯林鼎為,2015,” Uber市值破500億美元穩站新創霸主 成長速度超越臉書”,取自 http://news.cnyes.com/Content/20150803/20150803132015214275212.shtml,2016年2月。
