  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Toona sinensis Roemor as Functional Food.

指導教授 : 楊源昌


香椿(Toona sinensis Roemor)為原生於中國東南、西南至華北一帶的多年生落葉性木本植物,被多元應用在園藝、建築、食用與傳統中藥。不僅是景觀及造景上常用的植栽,樹幹可作為傢俱與建材,同時亦是蜜源植物、油料、飼料、香料植物與蔬菜,更是被廣泛應用的藥用植物。香椿的保健用途,除傳統已知的治療腸炎、鎮靜及抗發炎外,亦有抗癌、降血壓與穩定糖尿病等諸多功效。其使用部位包括:樹皮、根皮、葉及果實,其有效成分包括川楝素(Toosendanin)、兒茶酚(Catechol),胡蘿蔔素(Carotene)、槲黃素(Quercetin)、没食子酸(Gallic acid)、維生素B、維生素C、蛋白質、揮發油及樹膠(Xylan)等。 近年研究顯示香椿葉萃取物不但清除DPPH自由基的效果極佳,對於多種癌細胞的生長抑制亦有傑出的表現,還可減少一氧化氮自由基的生成,減緩發炎反應引起之細胞損傷,其所含之沒食子酸更可有效降低細胞脂肪累積,而低濃度的香椿葉萃取液即可有效改善因氧化壓力而導致的男性精子功能障礙,對於健康男性或不孕症男性患者都具有提升精子品質的作用,香椿子萃取物的多醣類具有抗凝血作用,可開發成為降低血管栓塞與防治高血壓的保健食品或藥物,且香椿葉含有高量的麩胺酸,具有開發成GABA茶的潛力與優勢。 本論文彙整香椿及其萃取物所含之有效成分在醫療保健上的研究,並蒐集經由良好栽培管理作為經濟作物的有利條件,以期成為新穎的機能性食品之素材。雖然目前相關研究報告的數量有限,但香椿對於人體保健的益處與應用及未來發展潛力不可小覷。本篇文章提供一系列香椿相關文獻的整合資訊,希望對未來疾病預防、人體保健與醫學發展有所助益,進而能促進中藥草的利用與新產品開發,達到促進人類保健之目的。


香椿 生理活性 機能性食品


Toona sinensis Roemor(Cedrala sinensis Juss.), a deciduous and native plant spreading across eastern and southeastern Asia, belongs to the family of Meliacceae. The leaves and young shoots of Toona sinensis Roemor are edible and widely used in Chinese traditional medicine. Additionally, it is also applied in horticulture, architecture and medical therapy. The utility of Toona sinensis Roemor includes curing enteritis, sedation and anti-inflammatory. Furthermore, Toona sinensis Roemor extracts have remarkable effects on anti-tumor, antihypertensive and anti-diabetic. The parts of Toona sinensis Roemor could be utilized include tree bark, root skin, leaves and fruits. In addition, the effective components of Toona sinensis Roemor consist of toosendanin, catechol, carotene, quercetin, gallic acid, Vitamin B and C, protein, Volatile oil and xylan. Recent evidence shows that Toona sinensis leaf extracts have a strong radical scavenging potential. The leaf extracts of Toona sinensis can scavenge DPPH radical and nitric oxide radical, resulting in inhibition of tumor growth as well as preventing cell damage from inflammatory response. Gallic acid, a component of Toona sinensis leaf extracts, can effectively reduce the accumulation of adipocytes. Additionally, it has been shown that low dose of Toona sinensis leaf extracts can ameliorate the sperm dysfunction caused by oxidative stress, leading to improvement of sperm quality for both healthy male and infertility patients. Moreover, polysaccharides extract from the seeds of Toona sinensis has an anti-clotting effect, which can be developed into health products to prevent hypertension. Last but not least, Toona sinensis leaves contain high amounts of glutamic acid, which can be exploited into GABA tea. Recent evidence has revealed that Toona sinensis Roemor leaf extracts can inhibit the melanogenesis and tyrosinase activity of cells, suggesting leaf extracts can be used as whitening agent via promoting whitening function or therapeutic prevention of skin hyper pigmentation caused by cosmetics. Moreover, leaf extracts exhibit significant anti-oxidative activity. It has been shown that low dose of Toona sinensis Roemor extracts can renovate the impairment of sperm functions caused by oxidative stress. Protective effects of the extracts might enhance the sperm quality for both healthy and infertility men. The goal of this overview is to research and develope Toona sinensis Roemor as a new material of functional food, by investigating the cultivation of Toona sinensis Roemor as well as the research of effective components of Toona sinensis Roemor in medical and health fields. Even though the related research reports remain limited, the potential biological application of Toona sinensis Roemor for the health of human beings cannot be ignored. This thesis provides an insight of related information, which could be beneficial for future research of disease prevention and exploitation of the potential efficacy of Toona sinensis Roemor, leading to advances of human health.


[5]蘇炳鐸,2003,” 多用途的香椿”,臺東區農業專訊,44期,頁2∼4,6月。
[6]蘇炳鐸、林國榮,2001,” 香椿的栽培及利用”,臺東區農業專訊,37期,頁20∼21,9月。
