  • 學位論文


Growth-Promoting Effects of Different Combinations of Plant Bacterial Endophytes on Rice

指導教授 : 楊禮亘


現代農業要求作物的單位面積產量高、品質好,為達此目的,農民常大量使用肥料以提高作物的產量及品質,但過量或不當施用化學肥料常造成土壤酸化、養分不均衡、土壤理化性及生物性劣化或土壤鹽類及重金屬累積等問題。因此,尋找替代或減少化學肥料的技術為當務農業生技研究之重點。許多文獻指出使用微生物肥料不僅對環境傷害小還可促進植物對營養元素的吸收利用或抵抗病原微生物的致病作用、減輕病蟲害,從而提高農作物產量和品質。本實驗利用不同組合的植物內生菌接種於水稻種子並觀察其45天成長勢,結果顯示單一菌處理(Bacillus sp. LS023、Bacillus sp. LS029、Pseudomonas sp. LS088)及多種菌組合(Rhizobium sp. LS004+Bacillus sp. LS023、Rhizobium sp. LS004+ Bacillus sp. LS029、Curtobacterium sp. LS077+ Curtobacterium sp. LS079、Curtobacterium sp. LS077+ Pseudomonas sp. LS088、Curtobacterium sp. LS079+ Pseudomonas sp. LS088)具有顯著促進生長效果。本實驗所使用的一些植物內生菌有助於水稻生長,但亦發現有些內生菌的組合會抑制水稻生長,有可能是土壤中的其他細菌抑制本實驗使用的植物內生菌所以導致水稻生長受到抑制,其中的關鍵需要進一步的研究才能了解。為了確認植物內生菌是否與水稻形成內生/共生關係,我們將其中LS004和LS077兩內生菌植入螢光標記GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein)載體,再將帶有螢光標記的植物內生菌接種到水稻種子,結果發現水稻小苗植體內確能觀察到植物內生菌存在於根及葉等組織中,可以從水稻根部能移動到葉部等組織且時間長達30天以上。此研究結果有利於往後針對植物內生菌對水稻促進生長的相關機制研究。


Modern agriculture requires high crop yield and good quality per unit area. For this purpose, farmers often use extensive amounts of fertilizers to increase crop yield and quality, but/excessive or improper use of chemical fertilizers can cause soil acidification, nutrient imbalance, deterioration of soil physical, chemical and biological properties or soil salts and heavy metal accumulation etc. Therefore, seeking for alternative or reduced chemical fertilizer technologies are aims of present agriculture biotechnology. Many literatures indicated that using microbial fertilizers can reduce environmental damage, promote plant absorption of nutrients, and increase resistant to certain pathogens and pests, thereby improving the yield and quality of crops.This experiment inoculated different combinations of plant bacterial endophytes on rice seed, the results showed that single bacteria inoculations (Bacillus sp. LS023、Bacillus sp. LS029、Pseudomonas sp. LS088) and a variety of bacteria combinations (Rhizobium sp. LS004+Bacillus sp. LS023、Rhizobium sp. LS004+ Bacillus sp. LS029、Curtobacterium sp. LS077+ Curtobacterium sp. LS079、Curtobacterium sp. LS077+ Pseudomonas sp. LS088、Curtobacterium sp. LS079+ Pseudomonas sp. LS088) resulted in significant increases of rice growth in 45 days. Endophytes used in this experiment improved rice growth, but we also found that some combinations of endophytes inhibit the growth of rice. The inhibition of rice growth may due to other soil bacteria inhibiting rice endophytes that were used in this experiment and the key to this rice growth inhibition requires further research. To confirm whether the endophytes we used could establish endophytic relationship with rice, we transformed GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) fluorescent vector into endophytes (LS004 and LS077) and inoculated the GFP-tagged endophytes in rice seed. We were able to observe GFP-tagged endophytes in rice root and stem tissues for duration of at least 30 days. In conclusion, the results presented here could provide future research in the understanding of the mechanism regulating endophyte-promoted rice growth.


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