  • 學位論文


Design and Analysis of Performance Improvement for Single-Suction Centrifugal Blower

指導教授 : 葉進純


本論文將針對單吸式離心送風機之性能提升而設計,本論文以排油煙機為例,將排油煙機常見的之雙馬達雙風扇結構改良成為單馬達單風扇結構,將重量減輕、排風量提升。本論文所設計之離心式渦卷殼可使流場更加順暢,將由單風扇對雙入風口進行排風,並且可使單風扇達到雙風扇之效能。本論文針對不同類型風扇、風胃與轉速進行分析比較,以求達到較佳化之設計。 本論文利用Solid Worksr建立3D模型,再使用有限元素分析軟體ANSYS進行流場模擬分析,將模擬結果與實體排油煙機利用風洞實驗測試得到之數據作比較。 單吸式離心送風機應用之範圍非常廣泛,利用其高排風效率之優點,可以應用於各種機台及精密設備之散熱,比一般常用軸流式散熱風扇更能達到散熱效果。本論文將單吸式離心送風機提高工作效率,並能將結構簡化。 關鍵詞:離心送風機、扇葉與流場分析、渦卷室設計、有限元素分析軟體ANSYS。


In this thesis single-suction centrifugal blower are designed to enhance the performance. This thesis uses the range hood as example. The range hood of the common structure with dual-motor dual-fan is improved as a single structure of a single fan. It can reduce weight and enhance the air quantity. This thesis design a centrifugal volute makes flow more smoothly, by a single fan to exhaust to the dual inlet, and to allow a single fan can double-fan's performance. This thesis use different types of fans, centrifugal volute, wind speed to analyze and compare, in order to achieve better design. This thesis creates 3D models with Solid Works, and use ANSYS to simulate the flow field analysis. The simulation results compare with the investigation date of wind tunnel for the range hood. Single-suction centrifugal blower can be applied to the wide range, the advantages of high air quantity, can be applied to a variety of machines, precision equipment cooling. The centrifugal blower has exhaust efficiency better then axial fan in the cooling effect. This thesis increase efficiency and simplify the structure for sigle-suction centrifugal blower. Keywords: Centrifugal blower, Fan and flow-field Analysis, Design of centrifugal volute, ANSYS.


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