  • 學位論文


The influence of consumer purchase decision by store atmosphere, consumer sentiment and marketing practices -A case study of fast-food stores

指導教授 : 梁直青


時代不斷的變遷,消費者對於消費產品時,當下的氣氛營造越來越重 視,而 當商店氣氛達到足夠影響消費者情緒的程度,則會使消費者情緒產生變化進而去影響購買決策,除此之外,消費者情緒也會受到行銷手法的干擾,從商店氣氛影響消費者情緒直到消費者決策有所變化,這一過程看似普遍,但卻占有著不可忽 視的地位。本研究採隨機抽樣方式進行問卷調查,發放對象為到過速食店購買速食或是曾經購買過速食之消費者,問卷自 2015 年 11 月開始進行人員發放,同時發放網路問卷至 2016 年 4 月 10日止,總共回收 405 份問卷,剔除填答不完整之無效問卷 40 份,有效問卷為 365 份,有效回收率為 90.12%。92.8%。研究資料分析係採用信、效度分析、驗證性因素分析與腦波分析,藉以說明商店氣氛、消費情緒、行銷手法與消費者決策之間的關係。 研究結果顯示「商店氣氛」對「消費情緒」具有顯著影響,而「行銷 手法」與「消費情緒」對消費決策具有顯著影響,再以驗證性因素分析檢 定修正後結構模式,其適切性與實際樣本資料達到良好的契合度。最後, 本研究將針對研究結果與發現提出管理意涵,以作為速食店業者未 來執行方向與行銷策略之參考。


As time evolves, consumers grow increasingly aware of the importance of store atmosphere when they purchase a product. When store atmosphere exerts an influence on consumers, consumers are prompted to purchase product. A change in consumer emotion influences consumers’ purchase decision. Furthermore, consumers are easily stimulated by the marketing methods a store adopts, influencing their initial purchase decision. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of consumer emotion on consumer purchase decision and examine the mutual relationship between these two factors during the process of emotional stimulation, response generation, and behavioral performance. This study adopted random sampling to conduct a questionnaire survey of fast food store consumers. ; 405 questionnaires were retrieved, of which 365 were valid after incomplete, invalid questionnaires were excluded, yielding a return rate of 90.12%. The research data were analyzed using reliability and validity analyses, factor analysis, regression analysis, and electroencephalography analysis to elucidate the relationships among store atmosphere, consumer emotion, marketing means, and consumer decision. The results of this study showed that store atmosphere significantly influenced consumer emotion, and marketing means and consumer emotion significantly influenced consumer decision. Finally, this study proposed managerial implications and discussions on the basis of the research results and findings, providing implementation directions and marketing strategies with which fast food store owners can reference when developing their business further.


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