  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship between Location Factors and Performance -An Example of CPC Gas Stations in Chiayi-Tainan District Sales Office

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


加油站是不可缺少的社會基礎設施,又是石油公司經濟效益的基礎,惟加油站的經營是目前石油產業中競爭最激烈之一環,影響加油站經營績效的因素很多,但區位絕對居於重要地位,其佈局合理與否直接影響到加油站的經濟效益和生存。 台灣中油公司為油品市場最大零售通路,其早期成立及後期陸續設置之加油站,或因政策或地方民意,或因未能作系統性之調查評估,或環境條件日後改變等原因而衍生加油站「先天條件」不同,難以同一績效標準管理。為爾後設立的加油站提供一設址選擇標準,故有必要探討加油站其相對區位因素與其營業績效之相關性。本研究主要以問卷方式,調查分析加油站所在地的區位現況,並探討其與DEA模式算出的經營效率值之間的相關性。 研究結論如下: 一、依DEA(模式一)計算之經營效率值,平均效率值為0.65,效率值大於0.9僅2單位,小於0.6者達38單位;依DEA(模式二)計算之經營效率值,平均效率值為0.69,效率值大於0.9亦僅2單位,小於0.6者達16單位;顯示大部份加油站的經營效率均有改善空間。 二、本研究除DEA(模式二)求出之效率值與交通動線有顯著影響之假設不成立外,餘均有顯著影響。故加油站選址需考慮下列因素: 1.營業處所性質:「設站之土地」、「營業總面積」、「站面寬度」、「加油泵島數」、「多元化經營」。 2.競合關係:鄰近商圈內同油品供應商(中油體系)且為競爭對手之加油站家數及競爭壓力、不同油品供應商(臺塑體系)且為競爭對手之加油站家數及競爭壓力。 3.交通動線:「線道寬度」、「道路」性質、面臨之道路的「臨路車速」。 4.可見度:是否面臨「道路轉角處(三角窗)」、面臨幾叉路口、「建物外觀」。 5.周圍環境:1,000公尺左右內有否工業區、商業區或高速公路,車流量、人口數、每百戶擁有汽車數及每百戶擁有機車數。 6.負面因素:鄰近的治安情形(搶劫、偷竊、強盜發生情形)、刑事犯罪率、鄰近社區的環境(淹水,噪音,空氣污染等)品質、每月落塵量。


區位因素 經營績效 DEA


Gas station is not only an inevitable social infrastructure, but also the basis of economic growth for Petroleum Company. Gas station is one of the most competitive segments in petroleum industry. There are various factors that affect the performance and efficiency of a gas station. Among them, location is one of the most important aspects as it directly affects the potential earning and survival of each individual station. CPC Corporation plays a major role of petroleum market since it is the largest retailer in Taiwan. There is no standard operation procedure performance management in gas station. It is due to three major causes, different company policy for different regions, different local requirements and lack of systematic research for the gas station buildup. This study provides criteria to select the proper location for the gas station. It is necessary to measure the business performance of each gas station against the location it is sitting on. This study use different survey studies as the base to analyze the relationship between location and the operational efficiency value of DEA. From the study, we find that average efficiency value is 0.65, bigger is than 0.9 in only two units, but the value is smaller than 0.6 in 38 units, according to the DEA model 1, and average efficiency value is 0.69, efficiency value is bigger than 0.9 in only two units, but the value is smaller than 0.6 in 16 units, according to the DEA model 2. This result indicates that most gas stations still can improve their business performance and operation efficiency. Except the assumption about the significant relationship between the value of DEA model 2 and transportation route, other factors are proved to significantly affect the performance. Hence, in order to choose a proper location, the following factors must be considered: Characteristics of sales office ( Land of establishment, total acreage, width of station, number of pumps island, and diversification ), Competition (The number of competition with the same oil suppliers -CPC Corporation and the number of competition with different oil suppliers-Formosa Petrochemical co. in adjacent area ), Transportation route ( Width of road, road type and speed of coming road ),Visibility (Is it located at corner of the roads, facing road intersection, appearance of buildings),Environment (Is there any industrial area, business area or high way within 1,000 meters. Population and car and motorcycle numbers per 100 households), Negative factors (local crime rate -robbery and theft ,local environment-flooding, noise, air pollution, etc. ,the amount of the monthly dust).


Location factors performance efficiency DEA


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