  • 學位論文


Innovative Design and Prototype Manufacture of Multi-functional Wheelchair with single input

指導教授 : 謝龍昌




Traditionally, there are few multi-function wheelchairs which integrate tilting and standing function, and most of them use two power sources to complete these two motion function. The purpose of this thesis is to propose a useful multi-function wheelchair with tilting and standing functions for old and physically disabled people. The innovative design has the following feature: 1.Integrates tilting and standing function, 2.Use single power source to complete tilting and standing functions to reduce the overall cost, 3.It can be easily operated by oneself without the help of others, 4.The structure of mechanism is simple and strong, 5.The center of gravity is located between front and rear wheels when tilting and standing, 6.The center of gravity is lower than other tilting wheelchair when tilting. In this thesis, engineering design, 3D drawing, and motion analysis are completed by software “Solidworks”. Its corresponding prototype is manufactured to verify the theoretical theorem. The innovative wheelchair will help users achieve the independence of living, convenience, comfort and safety. The results of this research will enhance Taiwan's R&D capability and industrial competitiveness of multi-functional wheelchair.


