  • 學位論文

勞工安全衛生訓練課程之設計、執行與評估-以越南 Hoang Thi Loan 紡織股份公司為例

Design,Deliver and Evaluate an Occupational Health and Safety Training Session- A Case Study in Hoang Thi Loan Textile Garment Joint Stock Company in Vietnam

指導教授 : 劉慶湘
共同指導教授 : 吳俊儀(Chun-Yi Wu)


本研究針對越南Hoang Thi Loan 紡織股份公司(Halotexco JSC)設計一個六十分鐘的勞工 安全衛生訓練課程,其主要內容為棉塵汙染之預防,進而根據此研究結果提出越南籍企業 應如何選擇適合其員工之訓練方式及訓練內容之建議。本研究程序以計畫行為理論TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior)模型為基礎,藉以預測員工參與訓練之意願,其次設計訓練課 程並加以執行,訓練結束後進行訓練績效之評估。 本研究對象為該公司之新進人員,分為實驗組三十人及對照組四十九人,依據Kirkpatrick’s 之四階層評估模型,分別針對反應、學習、行為及結果層次進行評估,同時比較實驗組及 對照組之差異。研究結果發現,受訓後員工對於訓練內容,訓練者及輔助資料皆顯示正向 的滿意度;員工於訓練前後對於訓練知識相對提升;員工於訓練後二週對於相關知識仍有 較高之維持度。因此建議個案公司可將本研究之課程設計內容,列入新進人員教育訓練課 程規劃。 此外,經由與參與訓練之員工與其主管之訪談中發現,Kirkpatrick’s 之四階層評估模型, 扮演極重要的角色,可以協助企業評估訓練績效。本研究結果可提供國內外企業執行更有 效的勞工安全衛生的訓練課程,並改善員工之健康狀況,進而到更高的生產力及效率。 關鍵字: 勞工安全衛生訓練,計畫行為理論(TPB),Kirkpatrick 四階層評估模型,人力資源 管理


This research would not have been possible without the assistance of many people. The authors would like to thank Hoang Thi Loan Garment Textile Joint Stock Company in Vinh city, NgheAn Province, Vietnam and National Formosa University for providing supports to them to conduct and complete this study. Most importantly, I would like to express my sincere thanks for Professor Liu Ching-Hsiang who has encouraged, supported, instructed and advised me over the last two years so that I could have completed this thesis. I also would like to thank all of my family, classmates and friends who have been supported and given me confidence and strength to overcome difficulties during this time. Finally, I would like to express my grateful sincere thanks to professors in the Oral Examination Committee who have spent their precious time to read my thesis, give me comments, point out remaining weakness and suggestions so that I would make my study more completed. Thank you so much!


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