  • 學位論文


Using Data Mining to Study Customer’s Consumption Pattern and Value

指導教授 : 黃信豪


本研究以某電信公司加盟的通信行為例來探討分析目前顧客主要申辦通訊服務中的月租費與加值行動網路費的消費情形,並且進行通信行顧客之價值評估以區分出最具價值之顧客群。本研究樣本係透過通信業者的客戶申裝服務歷史系統,自2010年4月~10月間計1025筆客戶申辦消費記錄來做分析。所有樣本將以PolyAnalyst 6.0資料探勘(Data Mining)軟體來進行歸納與分群。。 本研究經過資料探勘技術分析後,結果如下:1. 有51.71%之顧客選擇資費等級=3(401~600)。2. 在所有申辦消費中仍有60.39%之顧客無行動上網費用,顯示此項服務是通訊業者極需努力提升之處。3. 新辦者選擇上網費率等級0較為顯著。4. 續約者選擇上網費率等級1較為顯著。5. 新辦者購買手機專案價為2290元較為顯著,其次為3290元。6. 續約者購買手機專案價大多小於1490。7. 顧客價值評估區分出四級價值顧客群: A級顧客為高資費、有上網費及使用高價手機專案者8位;B級顧客為高資費、有上網費及使用中高價手機專案者28位;C級顧客為高資費、無上網費及使用高價手機專案者2位;D級顧客為中低資費、有上網費及使用高價手機專案者72位。


The objective of this study has two folds: one is to analyze current customer’s consumption pattern of a telecommunication company’s alliance shop; the other is to perform customer classification based on the customer value. There are 1025 customer consumption records collected in the period from April to October, 2010. The PolyAnalyst 6.0 data mining software is used to analyze these record in this study. The results of this study show that: 1.51.71% of the customers choose monthly phone rate of NT$ 401~600. 2.60.39% of the customers do not apply for wireless internet service which means there are a lot of marketing opportunities in this area for the telecommunication company. 3.Customer applies for new service has the tendency towards not having wireless internet service. 4.Customer applies for extension service has the tendency towards selecting monthly internet rate of NT$ 100. 5.New customers have the tendency towards selecting mobile phone with the price of NT$ 2290, and then NT$ 3290. 6.Old customers have the tendency towards selecting mobile phone with the price less than NT$ 1490. 7.Customers are categorized into four classes: Class A customers are those who are paying higher monthly phone, having internet service, and using high-price mobile phone; Class B customers are those who are paying higher monthly phone rate, having internet service, and using mid-price mobile phone; Class C customers are those who are paying higher monthly phone rate, having no internet service, and using high-price mobile phone; Class D customers are those who are paying lower monthly phone rate, having internet service, and using high-price mobile phone. The numbers of customers classified in Class A, B, C, and D are 8, 28, 2, and 72, respectively.


12.莊玉玲(2004),顧客關係管理對顧客滿意度與忠誠度影響之研究 - 以台灣砷化鎵半導體磊晶廠為例,中原大學,碩士論文。
