  • 學位論文


Applying FTA and FMEA Techniques to Retread Tires Manufacturing Process Improvement

指導教授 : 楊太宏


近年來國際環保意識抬頭,社會綠能化的概念影響日益遽增,其中,由於翻胎技術的進步使得輪胎翻修產業逐漸為眾人所重視,經由重新翻修之輪胎壽命可達新胎的80%,成本也降為1/3,因此受到許多大貨車及卡車使用者所使用及信賴,輪胎翻修主要目的為延長輪胎胎體使用壽命,減少天然資源使用量保護自然生態環境。然而本研究配合之個案工廠翻修的再生胎故障事件頻傳,使得回報工廠客訴案件增加,再生胎故障機率提高,工廠損失大量成本賠償本不應該發生的輪胎故障客訴。 因此,本研究嘗試使用故障樹分析及失效模式與效應分析兩種可靠度分析方法針對輪胎翻修製程中高機率發生之故障事項進行分析,探討於翻修製程中可能發生的失效因素並加以改善,藉此希望穩定翻修製程並降低客訴機率。研究結果發現,於輪胎翻修製程中各個工作站確實有影響後續輪胎故障之失效因子,經由數據蒐集並估算機率找出需優先改善之製程,最後提出降低失效風險的改善對策及建議。經由改善後重新評估,製程中之失效因子其風險評估指數最高降幅達60.8%,其餘各項失效因子降幅皆達到12.5%以上,證明此兩項可靠度分析方法確實能夠找尋並改善再生胎製程中之失效情形,進而達到降低再生胎客訴機率之目的,藉此研究提供於個案工廠做為後續改良製程參考。


Due to the technological advancement in renewable tire repair in recent years, the life of retread tires has reached 80% that of new tires. These tires only cost about one third of the cost of new tires. Hence, they have gradually gained the trust of large truck and van users. However, frequent events of truck tire ungluing while traveling on freeways have led to increased customer complaints. Increased incidences of retread tire failure have resulted in great losses for the case factory due to compensation costs on customer complaints of tire failure that should not have even taken place in the first place. This study attempted to analyze failure events in tire retreading processes with high incidences through the use of two reliable analysis methods: the FTA and the FMEA, in order to explore factors contributing to possible failure during retreading processes and carry out improvement measures, thereby stabilizing repair processes and lowering the likelihood of customer complaints. Finally, an improvement strategy for reducing the risk of failure and recommendations were proposed. After improvement and re-assessment, the assessed risk coefficient of the failure-inducing factors in the processes reached up to 60.8%, while the extent of decrease for the remaining failure-inducing factors reached above 12.5%, thus indicating the two reliability analysis methods were indeed helpful in finding and improving failure events during retreading processes and ultimately achieving the purpose of reducing the probability of customer complaints over retreaded tires. This study shall serve as a reference for follow-up improvement processes to be carried out by the factory case study.


FTA FMEA Retread tire RPN


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