  • 學位論文


The Acceptance Model of Environment Perception of Community-Game Players‏.

指導教授 : 梁直青


社群遊戲玩家在進行遊戲的過程當中,會產生大量的碳排放。但如此情況與現代倡議環保節能減碳的趨勢相悖,更使線上遊戲公司背負負面社會形象。因此,若能利用環保認知與社群遊戲接受度做結合,增加環保正面態度、行為與使用意圖,進而改善社群遊戲企業的社會形象,應能去尋求企業利益與企業社會責任之間的平衡點。 為了解社群遊戲使用者之利益重視程度,本研究先對社群遊戲接受度進行利益區隔,將所分出之集群分別對「人口統計變數」、「消費者行為」、「生活型態」、「社群遊戲接受度」與「環保認知程度」等五大構面進行探討。為找出符合之代表性樣本,以滾雪球抽樣法對台灣地區之社群遊戲使用者進行抽樣,總計回收之有效樣本數為340份。 本研究將社群遊戲使用者分為三群,分別為「全面重視」、「隨遇而安」與「品牌保證」。在利益區隔中發現,人口統計變數之性別、職業、教育與婚姻狀況具有顯著影響。消費者行為變數之接觸社群遊戲時間、每天使用時數、最主要進行時段、選擇遊戲因素、持續參與因素、遊戲進行方式、每月支出金額與參與地點具有顯著影響;且生活型態對社群遊戲接受亦具有顯著差異。而因果關係檢定中可發現,環保認知對環保態度與環保行為皆有顯著之正向影響,但僅有環保認知會影響到社群遊戲接受度模式中的使用態度;換言之,若想利用環保觀點增加社群遊戲使用者的使用意圖,必須透過環保認知增加使用態度方能達到。最後,本研究將針對三群使用者,給與行銷上的策略建議。


The computer causes the increase in producing carbon, especially for the game players. The thriving Community Games also generate a lot of carbon. However, for a game company, the image is always negative, because of violent, sex, and improper promotions. The decrease in carbon is the key to improve the image of game companies.It should be a good opportunity for the Community Gamescompaniesfindsthe balance between business interests and corporate social responsibility. To find the chances to improve social image of game companies, to survey users should find the direct impacts. To understand CommunityGame users, this studyfirstsegmentsusers based on the results of the proposed questionnaire survey. This study discussed"thedemographic", "Consumerbehavior", "Lifestyle", "Community Gameacceptance”and “theperceptionofenvironment protection”. We received 340 samples. In this study, we segment respondents into 3 clusters. We found that in consumer behavior dimension:playing time, the playing time slots, the reasons of selecting a game, the factors of continuous participation, playing method, the playing place, and the monthly expense have significant impacts on game users. Additionally, we also found significant differences in lifestyle accepted by the community game. Finally, we found from the SEM (structural equation modeling) test both a significant positive impact on environmental awareness on environment attitudes and environment behavior, but only environmental awareness will affect the acceptance of Community Games. In other words, if you want to increase the image of game company through the increase of environment impacts to the Community Games users, you must increase the environmental awareness. Finally, this study will focus on three groups of users, given the recommendations of the marketing strategy.


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