  • 學位論文


A Study of Cloud Application Services for Mobile Devices

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


雲端運算已成為近年來最為瘋狂的議題,雲端的供應商也如雨後春筍般成立,推出許多新奇、特別的服務功能,期望能夠招攬這些消費群青睞。不論何種型態的雲端服務模式,其相似處都是需要將資料存放在雲端,進行儲存、掃毒、轉檔、播放等操作,都是影響資訊科技未來發展方向的重要因素。那如何讓使用群自願去付費購買來應用,是這些供應商急需思考的問題。 本研究主要想探討手機、平板這些使用者對於雲端服務的應用會造成哪些影響,從「認知有用性」、「認知易用性」、「使用態度」、「使用意願」、「知覺價格」、「服務品質」等六大構面,來探索行動裝置雲端服務使用者之影響因素,並用以建構出使用者使用意願模型。


The Cloud Computing is becoming the most popular issue recently, and many cloud computing suppliers are somehow coming out in a sudden. These suppliers offer numerous amazing and specialized services which wish to rise up their market share. No matter what kinds of clouding computing service are on market, all the functions offered usually are such as data storing, virus scanning, format converting, multimedia playing, etc., which are important and lead to the future development of IT. The most urgent problems to confront will be how to persuade users to request and pay for cloud service willingly. This study discusses the influences caused from the cell phone and tablet users on the application of cloud computing services. The model of users’ intention to employ mobile cloud computing is constructed by considering the following six dimensions, that is, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitude toward Using, Intention to Use, Perceived Price, and Service Quality.


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