  • 學位論文


Implementation on a Bicycle Shock Absorber

指導教授 : 毛彥傑


為了確保自行車騎乘時之舒適性及安全性,騎乘者常需依路況將避震器調整為較柔軟或較僵硬之狀態,以利系統在正確時機耗散振動能量。為達到上述功能,市售產品中多為可調整之設計,但仍需以手動調整避震器至柔軟、僵硬或鎖定位置,此舉對於騎乘於較複雜之路面狀況時,相當不便利,甚至影響騎乘者之安全性。 本研究提出一種創新之主動式避震驅動單元,採用操作自行車行駛時的自然反應,來調整自行車前叉之阻尼狀態。讓使用者在騎乘自行車時,能減少在行駛時額外之操作,使其能更加的專注在行駛時的路況。 本研究採用一含即時作業系統(RTOS, Real-Time Operating System)之PC-Based小型微電腦,利用騎乘者的控制訊號來判斷是否需要發送PWM訊號給馬達,以改變自行車前避震器設定狀態。 本研究採用Visual C++ 2005的MFC架構撰寫人機介面(HMI, Human-Machine-Interface)程式,利用該程式接收藍芽量測量模組所測得之訊號及其他感測器回授訊號,並設計控制器,利用該程式來驗證系統之可行性,完成之後,將該程式修改為自動執行模式並減省螢幕滑鼠鍵盤等人機互動介面,以利進行實際路跑測試。實驗結果證實本系統應用於道路行駛之可行性。


To improve the comfortability and safety on riding a bicycle, he/she needs to dynamically adjust the shock absorber settings according to the road conditions. There are various adjustable shock absorbers available in the market with either manual- or electric-controlled mechanism. However the rider needs to tune them during cycling, rather than any automatic way, hence reducing the convenience and safety during riding. This research proposes an active tuning driver for the shock absorber, taking the rider’s riding response as an input and electronically tunes the damper settings in the shock absorber. The rider, in this way, can focus more on the road conditions. We occupy a PC-Based microcomputer with realtime operation system as the core circuit. We provide a human-machine interface under MFC framework in Visual C++ to capture the BlueTooth data acquired from the sensors, process the signals and send PWM signals to the servomotor, so that the shock absorber settings are altered. Computer display, keyboard and mouse are eliminated in the final implementation and the whole system is equipped on a bicycle and evaluated on the road.


Bicycle Fork Electric Shock Absorber PC-Based HMI


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