  • 學位論文

Apple iOS行動裝置應用程式開發之研究 - 以校務行政系統為例

A Study of Application Development for Apple iOS Mobile Device - School Information System as an Example

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


行動開發技術在IT界上已經成為最受矚目的熱門話題之一,隨著通訊、嵌入式系統等技術的成熟,手機不再只是個通話工具,而是集合了通訊、網路、商務、影音、娛樂等多種功能於一體的高科技產物。在發展的過程中,手機戰場已經從硬體延伸到軟體與服務,智慧型手機的新價值在於行動市場的發展,這也是程式開發者的新機會。 本研究使用iOS作業系統為智慧型手機系統開發的平台,系統架構在iOS的裝置上,無論是iPhone或是iPad皆是使用Objective-C的原生程式碼進行開發應用,最主要的目的為改善系統的方便性,強調校務系統可以達成便利性,利用該裝置的行動性建置一套屬於學生的個人助理系統,方便學生族群的使用者能夠管理自身相關的事務。


Mobile phone technology has become one of the hot topics in the IT sector. The phone is not only a communication tool, but also a collection of Communications, Internet, Business, Audio, Entertainment and many other functions in one high-tech product. In the process of development, the battlefield for mobile phone extends from hardware to software and services. The new smart phone value lies in the development of the mobile market, and this is the new opportunities for the developers. Apple’s iOS system is used in this research as the development platform of smart phone. System architecture on the iOS device, iPhone and iPad, employs objective-C code to develop application. The main purpose of this research is to improve the convenience of School Information System, and provide the student users to easily manage their own affairs at any time.


iOS Mobile Device Native Code System Development


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