  • 學位論文


The Effect of the A330 Performance Enhancement on the Airline Network and Fleet Planning Strategy

指導教授 : 林中彥


目前台灣的航空業以中華航空、長榮航空、復興航空這三家航空公司為主,台灣的航空公司除了越太平洋航線之外,在大洋洲、歐洲、亞洲等越洋航線,都有使用A330執飛的記錄。最初A330推出時的目的是要代替Airbus在中型客機市場的A300,讓Airbus在中型客機市場保有一定的競爭力;之後隨著A330在20年來性能持續得到的提升,讓A330的最大起飛重量慢慢的從212噸左右提升至242噸,A330-300最大航程也從4000海浬左右提升到6200海浬,A330-200的航程也從6300海浬提升到7200海浬,進而改變航空公司對A330的航線配置。 本論文探討Airbus A330飛機與本研究相關之飛機,從1991年至現今的製造數量與A330在各年間之同等級運量之機型(主要以B767-300ER、B777-200ER、B787-8…等機型)做銷售上的的比較,根據原廠所提供的交機數量,說明兩架同等級運量飛機之間的關係。自Airbus A330自開始服役後,因為性能逐漸提升,對航空公司航網以及機隊之影響。根據全世界擁有大量A330機隊的航空公司,經由這些航空公司的航線分配了解Airbus A330因為性能逐漸提升而產生的變化。


Currently, there are three major airlines in Taiwan currently. Beside the trans-pacific long-haul routes, the A330 fleets in Taiwan’s airlines dominate the air routes for regional, Asia-Europe, and Asia-Australia. The A330 got significant performance improvement over the past 20 years. Originally developed as the replacement of the market-success A300, the A330 is actually an advanced version of the A300. A330 had 212 ton MTOW and around 4000nm range at the time of EIS, and have 242 ton MTOW and around 6200nm range for -300 and 7200nm range for -200. This thesis has collected the performance data of the A330 in different time frame, and the sales statics of the related market competitors, such as the 767-300ER, 777-200ER, 787-8, and 787-9. The figure of the sales statics and market trend did show the competition edge of the A330 over the 767 and 777. Furthermore, some studies in airlines’ network have also been done, which indicate the shift of the fleet usage on different regional and long-haul route in airline fleet planning and strategy. The study indicates that the good selection of the payload-range is the key issue of the fleet planning and strategy.


24. 張有恆,航空運輸管理,鼎漢國際工程顧問有限公司。
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