  • 學位論文


Reducing Immigrant Women’s Digital Divide by the Digital Opportunity Center: A Case Study in Yunlin County

指導教授 : 吳純慧


在電子化數位時代,資訊透過網路的傳遞無遠弗屆,這種現象對資訊素養不足或缺乏資訊設備的人並不公平,遂造成數位落差的現象。政府為了縮減數位落差,在全台設置了188個數位機會中心(Digital Opportunity Center, DOC),希望藉此提升偏鄉弱勢族群資訊近用的機會與資訊素養。本研究以紮根理論為架構,使用質性研究方式深入訪談12名雲林縣新住民婦女,旨在探討DOC是否縮減新住民婦女的數位落差及影響新住民婦女參與活動課程的因素為何,透過文獻探討與實際訪談資料的比較,整理歸納出因果架構圖,並根據研究結果,提出實際建議與參考方法,以供未來政府或其他數位機會中心在提升新住民婦女資訊能力與縮減數位落差之資料參考。 本研究發現“家庭因素”與“學習動機”是影響新住民婦女參與DOC課程活動的最主要因素。有參與DOC課程活動的新住民婦女因有學習動機而參與DOC課程活動,取得資訊設備和他人輔助,在習得電腦素養後,就會增加資訊近用的動機與機會;未參與DOC課程活動的新住民婦女的學習動機較弱,家中若電腦配置完善,她們則可透過他人輔助或自學來使用,而家中無資訊設備的新住民婦女則完全沒有使用與學習的機會。 依據研究結論,本研究提出五個研究建議,分別為:提升參與動機、利用線上學習系統或電話諮詢、鼓勵親子共學與同儕學習、結合中文與資訊教學、與多管齊下的宣傳,期望透過研究建議,能提升新住民婦女使用DOC的頻率與電腦素養,以縮減數位落差之現象。


In the electronic digital age, information was transmitted anywhere through the internet. But it’s not fair to the people who are without information literacy or divices to access such digital information, and then caused the phenomenon of digital divide. For bridging the digital divide, the government has set 188 Digital Opportunity Centers (DOCs) in Taiwan to increase the information access opportunities and literacy of disadvantaged groups far from the city. Therefore, this study aims to discover whether the DOCs reduce the immigrant women’s digital divide and to figure out the reasons for affecting the immigrant women to participate in activities and courses in DOCs. A qualitative research method design based on grounded theory methods conducts in-depth interviews for 12 immigrant women in Yunlin County. The results show that main reasons for affecting immigrant women to participate in activities and courses in DOCs were “family factors” and “learning motivation”. For the immigrant women who have attended activities and courses in DOCs have learning motivations in order to use imformation equipments and get others’ help. After they became skilled at using a computer, they would find opportunities to use it if necessary. On the contrary, the immigrant women who have not attended activities and courses in DOCs have less learning motivations. They learn how to use computer by themselves or others’ support if they had computer divices at home. Otherwise, they didn’t have any chances to use a computer or learn how to use it if they had no computer divices at home. Furthermore, the researcher compared the literatures with research results to give five suggestions for DOCs for improving immigrant women’s information ability and reducing digital divide in the future, including “promoting immigrant women’s learning motivations”, “using online learning system or telephone counseling”, “encouraging them to learn with their children and peers”, “combining with Chinese and information teaching”, and “using multipronged publicity”.


曾淑芬,吳齊殷,2001,“先進各國對消弭數位落差之政策分析”,資訊社會與數位落差研討會,行政院研考會主辦 。
