  • 學位論文


Study on Trajectory Planning for Unmanned Aircraft

指導教授 : 呂文祺




This thesis mainly aims at the study of trajectory planning for multiple UAVs within the same airspace. This study is confined in two-dimensional flight trajectories which evite the collision with potential obstacles in the mission environment. UAVs are designated to fly from the start points to the targets by penetrating the risky airspace with barriers. This study is expected to ensure basic safety for the entry of UAVs into the civil airspace concerning the condition of restricted or inhibited area. The Voronoi diagram is adopted to classify the obstacles in airspace, such as the mountains or the gratte-ciels over the UAV's operational altitude. Then the borders between obstacles can be the feasible flight routes of connected straight lines. The optimal routes is subsequentially determined by using Dijkstra algorithm. UAVs' performance is also introduced to smooth the flight routes. The feasibility of the proposed trajectory planning technique for UAVs verified by numerical simulation. The resultant trajectories are not the optimal ones, but it can reduce and confine the space of feasible routes to reduce the computational load in large.


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