  • 學位論文


The Hungry Marketing-Example on Smartphone

指導教授 : 梁直青


由於近來發現,智慧型手機的市場因為蘋果iPhone,是炒得沸沸揚揚,並且造成前所未有的熱潮,以及在接受預購卻領不到手機的情況下,消費者怨聲四起,卻依然抱著希望,繼續等候。本研究藉由iPhone的例子觀察其行銷手段,發現其具備一定程度品牌知名度的商品,在透過特定行銷手法後,使消費者產生強烈的購買慾望。然而,眾家廠商能否仿效,且廠商該如何拿捏消費者產生飢餓的心理機制以訂定行銷策略,值得深入探究。 然而過往針對探究消費者如何產生飢餓購買慾望的行銷研究甚少。因此,本研究透過蒐集消費者行為與行銷等相關文獻來發展飢餓行銷模型架構。本研究採用滾雪球的方式採取樣本,以持有智慧型手機的消費者作為研究對象,其有效回收樣本為320份,以品牌價值、限制性銷售、口碑感受等發展其研究架構,作為飢餓行銷工具行銷工具之因素,利用回收的問卷,將各構面進行信效度、因素分析,並將飢餓行銷工具與消費行為作集群分析與區別分析,區隔出飢餓行銷集群,在了解消費者差異後,以利業者做出對的飢餓行銷策略。最後,藉由迴歸分析,以了解飢餓行銷工具構面之因素與消費行為的關係。 而經由統計分析後,品牌價值、限制性銷售、口碑感受、消費行為等構面,皆各有2個因素,生活型態有4個因素,並且區隔出4個集群。實證結果如下:1. 飢餓行銷工具對消費行為確實具有影響力,其中品牌價值、限制性銷售,以及口碑感受中的社會觀感因素對消費行為的急切體驗感有顯著正面的影響。2. 在生活型態集群在人口統計變數上的年齡、職業、教育程度、平均月收入有顯著差異。然而,在行銷學中,其行銷工具一向是企業創造利潤的主角之一,但並不是將所有行銷工具投入就能夠獲得報酬,因此必須先能夠探查市場區隔上消費者的特性,針對其心理需求,方能對症下藥,以利於在施行飢餓行銷時可以確實發揮短期高營業額的效果。


Because of hot sales on Apple’s iPhone, the competition in smartphone market is violent.Even in such a violent competition, the marketing tool adopted by Apple always attracts customer’s eyenballs. Customers show the hungry to get iPhone. However, literatures discuss about this phenomenon a lot, but lack of academic research about the casuses of consumer hungry itself. Therefore, this study tries to reveal consumer’sfeelings on smartphone products,and try to find out consumer behaviors caused by hunger. In this study, the research framework development by brand value, restricted sales, word of mouth as the dimensions of the causes of hungry.In this study, we use snowball sampling method to collect samples.We achieved 320 samplesfor observed their views of smartphone, and segmentation of consumers qualitiesthat for industry to make the right maketing stategy. So we used the brand vlues, restrictive sales, word-of-mouth feelof marketing tools with consumer behaviorasreserch dimension and does cluster analsis, after that observed cluster propertiesby lifestyle and demographic, finally, by regression analysis, we understand the impacts of the causes of hunger. The reserch resultare: 1. By factor analysis, we get the 2 factors in Brand value, 2 factors in limiting sales, 2 factors in word-of-mouth feeling, 2 factors in consumer behavior, and 4 factors in lifestyle. 2. Hunger marketing tool does have influence on consumer behavior. In brand value, restrictive sales, and social perception factors of word-of-mouth feeling, these factors have significant positive impacton consumer behavior. 3. Lifestyle clusters in the age, occupation, education level, average monthly incomeof demographic variables, have significant differences. However, Marketing, marketing tools has always been one of the protagonists of the enterprises to create profits, but not all the marketing tools in will be able to receive remuneration, therefore, it must be able to probe the psychological needsof consumer, and characteristics of the market segmentation. Forprescribe the right medicine, that facilitate can be know more of hunger marketing, in order to reach the goal of short-term high turnover.


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