  • 學位論文

應用統計製程管制於藥品優良製造規範cGMP實施方法- 以純水系統確效為例

Applying SPC in the Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) Methods- An Example of Purify Water System Validation

指導教授 : 顧瑞祥


國人的健康與公共衛生政策、醫療品質、設備及藥品等因素息息相關,其中針對藥品製造的部份,政府主管機關為了確保藥品的成分、效力、品質及純正乃施行現行藥品優良製造規範(cGMP),透過對製藥廠商的管控確保國民的用藥安全,本研究應用統計製程管制於cGMP 的純化水系統確效作業,以達到品質的控制與持續改善,以國內某製藥廠進行個案研究,分析其純化水生產管控的相關文件與數據,目的在於探討純化水系統確效作業與監測模式之有效性,並提出驗證作業執行中可進一步改善的地方。本研究資料蒐集期間從2010年8月17日至2011年12月31日分三階段進行,所獲得之實證資料係以統計製程管制方法進行分析,管制圖及製程能力指標結果顯示個案公司所生產的製藥純水微生物總生菌數、總有機碳(TOC)與導電度數據皆符合行動界限之內,惟部份檢測結果變異較大,因此本研究獲致以下結論:一、在現行cGMP架構下,藥廠依循其主確效計劃書與相關規範確使純水製造品質符合法規標準,其中藥廠須落實執行諸如IQ、OQ、PQ等純化水系統各項確效驗證作業,並透過各項水質數據的完整監測記錄與分析,使其有能力持續監控水質並且在出現異常時即時反應處理,此外,相關標準作業程序能有效降低作業缺失,進而確保製藥用純淨水之品質與安全。二、除了設備與硬體設施之外,藥廠在實際進行純化水系統相關確效驗證作業時也需要工作人員的直接或間接參與,因此,嚴謹的組織設計、專業分工與教育訓練才能協助藥廠落實製程管制,確保純水系統的有效性與純水品質。


People’s health relates to public health policy, the quality of medical care, equipment and medicines. For medicine safety, government always supervises pharmaceutical industry by regular audit & inspection in order to insure the drug’s identity, strength, quality & purity.This study applying SPC in the cGMP standards facilitate the qualification, validation andmonitoring procedures of purified water system in pharmaceutical industry to meet the quality control and continuos improvement. This research is a case study , the Data collection includes three periods from August 17,2010 to December 31, 2011. All data were analyzed using the Minitab software package to generate SPC control charts and Cpk indices. Analysis result reveals that microbial content, TOC & conductivity of the produced water all meet cGMP criteria. Two conclusions are summarized as follows. 1. Following the validation master plan, the pharmaceutical factory which implements installation qualification (IQ), operation qualification (OQ) & performance qualification (PQ) of purified water system could generate qualified pure water. One of the key success factors is keeping daily records of the system; the data collected are analyzed and enable timely correction. Besides, the standard operation procedure (SOP) also helps reduce human mistakes then ensures the quality of pure water. 2. In addition to the equipment and hardware facilities, the pharmaceutical purified water system validation tasks also require staff’s participation. Therefore, strict and proper organizational design, adequate training of employees could help pharmaceutical companies to ensure the validity of the pure water system.


SPC cGMP purify water system validation


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