  • 學位論文

以認真性休閒團體促進社區學習之研究 -以麥寮鄉楊厝社區為例

A Study on Promote Community Learning through Serious Lisure Groups - A Case Study on Yangcuo Community in Mailiao

指導教授 : 王文瑛


隨著社會環境的改變,現代人生活的內涵注重於生活品質與精神層次的提升,愈來愈多人重視休閒時間的安排與運用,且對於自身有興趣的活動認真地投入。認真休閒是指有系統地從事一項或多項業餘活動、嗜好或擔任志願服務。認真休閒投入者在過程中獲得充實且充滿趣味,並能展現技巧與技能。在社區休閒團體中積極投入者,具有認真休閒槪念,在參與歷程中,經由個人、人際與環境產生互動,因而觸發創造多元豐富的社區學習風氣。 本研究以楊厝社區中的休閒團體為研究對象,由研究發現社區休閒、休閒團體與社區學習之關聯性議題。以半結構式訪談及文件分析等研究取向,發掘社區認真休閒團體與社區學習之關聯性,探究社區休閒的現象與營造社區學習發展等問題之本質脈絡,並了解社區學習如何在社區休閒團體的參與中形塑,解析休閒團體建構社區學習的價值性。 相關的研究發現、結論與建議如下: 一、研究發現 研究發現歸納出四大影響層面,分別為社區發展的轉捩點與休閒團體之成立因素;社區集團行動及參與休閒團體的學習影響;社區意識形塑與休閒團體中的成長蛻變;休閒團體建構社區學習價值等。 二、研究結論 研究結論分別為:1.社區成立健康休閒團體的因素,以健康利益為主要考量,依民眾需求及興趣,分別成立不同屬性的健康休閒團體。2.居民參與休閒團體的動機多樣性,包括個人需求、興趣、嚐好、為身體健康及同好相邀等因素。3.休閒團體參與者持續投入得到豐富的學習收穫,為保持身體健康與自身態度積極主動有關,獲得規律的生活且愉快健康學習經驗者,願意持續參與。4.在團體學習中獲得成長與超越自我,於活動中培養出學習動機。5.休閒團體建構出社區學習價值,有利於民眾終身學習。 三、研究建議: (一)對於休閒團體參與者的建議:1.努力實現自已的願景;2.在休閒中享受學習的樂趣;3.以資訊力構築終身學習網絡。 (二)對於休閒團體的建議:1.充實提升學習內涵與深度;2.結合媒體資訊,展現休閒團體成果與生命力;3.擴展社區學習資源基礎。 (三)對於社區發展協會的建議:1.彙集人才、資源整合,運用資訊科技建立社區雲端資料庫;2.以歷史文化發展社區特色,規畫社區休閒發展,營造健康綠能新環境;3.運用認真休閒槪念,建構關懷社群組織,塑造終身學習與健康的社區環境。


As social environment changes, the meaning of modern life is increasingly focused on enhancing the quality of living and that of spiritual level, More people pay attention to the arrangement and use of their leisure time and activities. Serious leisure is the systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer activity where participants can acquire and display interesting and fulfilling experiences and skills. Through interaction between individuals, groups and the environment, members of a serious leisure group can create and develop diverse and rich learning culture. As a case study of Yangcuo community, this study aimed to explore relations among serious leisure groups and the community through semi-structured interviews and document analysis research; to gain an understanding of how community learning develops within leisure groups and to analyze how leisure groups contribute to the establishment of community learning. Research findings, conclusions and recommendations are as follows: Findings Four aspects were identified as crucial influences—the pivotal point of Community development and factors behind establishment of community leisure groups; group participation and the learning by the community leisure groups; the shaping of community spirit and the growth of leisure groups; and the promotion of learning value made by leisure groups. Conclusions Factors behind the establishment of community leisure groups: health benefits are the main consideration. Different healthy leisure groups are established based on public needs and interests. 2 Residents participate in leisure group for a variety of reasons, including personal needs, interests, health or invitations from peers. 3 leisure group participants are encouraged to continue their participation by their active attitudes and success in obtaining good health, and healthy lifestyle. 4 Achieve personal growth and meet personal challenges in group learning to foster from activities a motivation for learning. 5 leisure groups promote community learning value, which is constructive to the public life-ling learning.Suggestions: (1)For casual group participants: 1. strive to achieve their own visions; 2 enjoy the fun of learning; 3 build a lifelong learning network utilizing information technology literacy. (2) For the leisure group: 1. enrich and deepen learning; 2 utilizing media and information to show results and leisure group vitality; 3 broaden community learning resource base. (3) For the Community Development Association: 1. Recruit talent, integrate resources and exploit information technology to build community cloud database; 2, develop community historical and cultural features, plan community recreation projects and create an eco environment; 3 adopt the concept of serious leisure use to create a community volunteer organization and a healthy, life-long learning community atmosphere.


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