  • 學位論文


The Research and Development of Bionic Sphericity-Hexapod Robot

指導教授 : 王榮爵


本研究的目標在於研發多功能、高效率、高機動性、能克服各種困難地形的六足球形機器人。本機器人能應用主體變形能力,將機器人的外觀任意變化為六足或球形機器人,然後做出多種行走模式,可執行六足的步態運動或球形的滾動移動。本研究利用順向運動學與全方位步態之理論,結合六足機器人的障礙地形適應能力和球形機器人移動快速的優勢,設計出一種「雙功能的運動模式」。本機器人在空曠的地形,可以以球形的外型與運動模式,迅速前進執行任務;遇到障礙物或曲折路線時,可以變形成六足機器人輕鬆穿越。本機器人主體機構分成了上下兩層,上半部使用六顆馬達,來撐起球體的上半部,可執行上半部開合與行動輔助;而下半部則以六足機器人機構來設計,可執行軸心縮放及行走。其次,本機器人的身體底層裝有的數顆萬向滾珠,當在行經水泥地或坡地時,可以把腳當緩速機具,以滾珠使機器人進行高速滑行。機器人每隻腳的末端都裝有圓盤,在正向行走時,可以增加摩擦力,幫助提升移動速度。另一功能為,機器人足部圓盤可以勾住鐵網,使機器人整個倒掛於天花板上的網狀結構,讓機器人能克服的地形與障礙物更多元。此外本機器人還有另一種行走方式,機器人可以透過變形合併成一個球體,應用重心偏移方式,以滾動的方式得到快速移動的效果。另外,我們也在機器人主體裝置無線攝影機,及搭配一顆可轉動300度的馬達,可以即時掃描周遭環境資訊,傳送到中央控制端的使用者眼前,使用者可透過平板電腦來執行各種機器人功能控制。 在實用方面,本六足球形機器人可以變成足型、球型、倒掛攀爬、身體滑行等行動模式。在實測中證實,可在水泥地、草地、石頭地、崎嶇地、網狀地等困難地形行走,上至倒掛移動,下至低空滑行都能輕易克服,以執行各種偵察或探索任務(包含軍用、商用或探險)。在生活娛樂方面,若在機器人身上加裝許多LED,讓機器人能夠在夜晚行走與跳舞表演時呈現更豐富的視覺畫面。


The purpose of this research is to design a hexapod spherical robot which has multi-function, high-efficiency, high mobility, and can overcome the difficult terrain. It used transformer ability to work a lot of walking-modes. The robot can apply its deformability to change the appearance of the robot to the spherical robot or the hexapod robot. By using the forward kinematics and the omni-directional gait concept, we developed two types of moving mode which take the advantages of the hexapod robot’s adaptability and the spherical robot’s fast-moving. The robot can roll forward quickly in several open spaces. When the robot meets obstacles or tortuous route, the robot will transform to the hexapod type and pass them easily. The mechanical structure of the robot is divided into the upper part and the lower part. We use six AI motors to make up the support structure of the upper part which can open or close the upper hemisphere and can assist the robotic moving. The lower part is been designed as the hexapod structure which can walk. In addition, when the robot moves on the smooth land, the robot takes its legs as brake tools and slide very fast by several ball transfers of the lower part. There is a disc in the tip of each leg. When the robot moves forward, the disc can increase the friction to improve moving speed. Another function, the disc of the robot can hook the barbed wire, and then the robot can like a spider to climb the barbed wire. Next, the robot has another walking-way. The robot transfers as the sphere to roll forward by using the shifting center of gravity. A wireless camera is set up and connected to the robot; it can scan the surroundings and send the video to users. The robot is controlled to perform various functions by the tablet or PC. In practical terms, the robot can move with four models, which are hexapod, ball, sliding and hanging. According to many experiments, it can slide, hang and overcome the place of concrete and rough ground. Therefore, the robot can execute the reconnaissance or exploration missions (including military, commercial and adventure). For the entertainment, we set up the LEDs on the robot; it can walk or dance with radiant lights at night, which will present a richer visual feast.


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