  • 學位論文


Investigating the Impact of eWoM on Consumers’ Purchasing Intention in Social Commerce

指導教授 : 吳純慧 阮炳嵐


由於現今網路的方便性與即時連結性,跨越了現實的障礙與瓶頸。近年來,許多企業利用社群媒體與客戶互動,建立企業自身口碑與品牌形象,以增進商業上的銷售和顧客的購買行為,形成社群商務的商業模式。為能瞭解社群商務網路口碑對顧客購買決策之影響因素,本研究彙整過去學者對社群商務網路口碑所提出的各項關鍵因素為基礎,探討「信任度」、「體驗價值」、「網路口碑」、「品牌形象」、「購買意願」等五個構面。研究方法採用量化研究之調查法,以網路問卷系統進行研究資料之收集,實際回收樣本309份,有效樣本262份。研究方法以部分最小平方法(Partial Least Squares, PLS)進行路徑分析與模型檢定,使用SPSS 20.0與SmartPLS 3.0等統計軟體進行各項資料之敘述性統計分析與假設檢定。本研究結果顯示,「信任度」、「體驗價值」對於「網路口碑」皆具有顯著影響;「網路口碑」對於「品牌形象」具有顯著影響;「品牌形象」對於「購買意願」亦有顯著影響;而「網路口碑」對於「購買意願」無顯著影響。後續研究者可考慮以消費者網路口碑第一手傳播者與企業方觀點比較分析,探討不同角度下其各變數間之關係是否相同。


The Internet connectivity lets customers to immediately connect and share information anytime, anyplace. In recent years, companies utilize social media for interacting with customers in order to increase sales and leveraging customers’ purchasing intentions, manage cooperate Word-Of-Mouth (WOM) and brand image, and disseminating electronic WOM (eWOM). Social commerce, the concept of using social media to drive sales, has become a business model. Based on previous studies, this study conducted a research model including five constructs: trust, experiential value, eWoM, brand image, and purchasing intention. Questionnaire survey was adopted to collect research data from consumers of social commerce. A total of 309 questionnaires were returned; 262 out of 309 are valid ones. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach was employed for measuring reliability and validity, and testing research hypothesis with the SmartPLS 3.0 software. Empirical results show that five research hypotheses are supported except that eWOM does not have a significant impact on purchasing intention. Managerial implication, research limitations and future research are discussed.


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