  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Forming Processes for Hub-Clutch in Automatic Transmission

指導教授 : 許源泉


變速箱是汽車的關鍵機構之一,是連結發動機將動力以最有效率的方式轉換輸出至輪胎上的機構,其內部主要由離合器、轂形件、行星齒輪及齒形件等所構成,對變速箱而言,齒形件可說是傳動最直接的零件,齒形件品質的優劣直接影響變速箱的傳動性能及使用壽命,因此齒形件的成形方式及成形過程中材料所產生的變化極為重要;本研究主要探討汽車變速箱齒形件的新式塑性成形製程,使用材料為深沖級熱軋鋼板SPHE,研究重點為齒形成形製程由原本的銑削加工改以沖鍛成形加工,透過CAE有限元素分析軟體-DEFORM-3D模擬,預測成形過程中各製程之材料流動變形、應力、應變分佈、成形負荷、模具應力及磨耗等狀態,將模擬分析結果作為模具設計參考之依據,並與實驗比對驗證,探討新式製程之可行性。 從模擬所得結果觀察,齒形件於滾輪模具滾壓成形時,齒形部位成形時材料受拉伸之作用較為明顯,因此齒形成形前之道次必須鍛壓增厚足夠的材料,才能獲得較佳之齒形成形件;而在齒形引縮加工針對母模不同之減縮角分析部分,結果發現不同的減縮角設計都各有其優缺點,而較佳之引縮加工母模減縮角設計為5度;經由實驗與模擬分析結果比對顯示,在外觀上頗為相近,而尺寸量測結果比較,差異值最大不超過1%,結果證實有限元素模擬分析結果具有極高參考價值,可有效預測材料及模具成形時之狀態,而本研究齒形件新式製程為可行的方案。


變速箱 齒形件 SPHE DEFORM-3D 引縮加工


The automatic transmission is one of the car's key mechanical structural components. Linking the engine will power to the tire and enabling the most efficient way to transmit the engine will power output to the tire. The automatic transmission is mainly constituted of the Clutch-Hub, housing and Planetary gears. In terms of the automatic transmission, the Hub-Clutch is deemed as the most direct drive component. The quality of the Hub-Clutch directly affects the performance and service life of the automatic transmission. Therefore, how the Hub-Clutch is formed and the material change that takes place during the forming process is of extreme importance. This research aims to investigate the new process of automotive transmission Hub-Clutch forming Processes. Material used for the hot-rolled steel is SPHE. The research focuses on how to replace the existing Hub-Clutch forming process from a Milling process to a Forging process. With the help of CAE finite element analysis software-DEFORM-3D simulation. Predicting and simulating the various processes that takes place during the forming process such as flowing deformed of the material, stress, strain distribution, load, die stress and tool wearing condition. The simulation results will serve as basis for mold design reference. And be cross-verified with experimental verification data to determine the feasibility of new process. Based on simulation findings. When roll forming the Hub-Clutch in the roller die. The Hub-Clutch forming material stretching effect is more evident. Hence, to get an optimal Hub-Clutch, prior to roll forming the Hub-Clutch, the Hub-Clutch forming material must be thickened enough to undergo the forging process. By analyzing the different die angles of the Ironing process. It was discovered that different die angle design all have their advantages and disadvantages. However, the better Ironing die angle design is a 5 degrees angle. Through cross-comparing the experimental and simulation results. Little difference was found in the appearance. Actual measured dimensions showed the variance at no more than 1%. The outcome confirms Finite element simulation results provides a high reference value. Which can effectively predict the materials and die status during the forming process. In this research demonstrated the new process program is feasible.


Automatic transmission Hub-Clutch SPHE DEFORM-3D Ironing


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[20]許源泉等,熱間擠伸模具磨耗之數值模擬與可靠度分析,技術學刊 第二十一卷 第四期,2006年。


