  • 學位論文


Design and Analysis of Heat Sink Module of High Brightness-Light Emitting Diodes

指導教授 : 鐘淑茹


高亮度發光二極體(High Brightness-Light Emitting Diodes, HB-LEDs)由於具有反應快、壽命長、耐震動、高亮度、高穩定性、指向設計容易、驅動功率低、熱輻射小、燈具設計自由度高等優點,近年來已被廣泛應用於車用指示燈、小範圍照明、尾燈模組以及後視鏡方向燈組等,藉由美觀搶眼的LED燈組設計,吸引消費者的目光,整體市場後勢潛力相當可觀,也使車用燈具成為下一階段的發展目標。 隨著HB-LED在封裝以及車燈系統設計技術上的不斷改良,促使HB-LED在車用市場蓬勃的發展,但其最大問題在於HB-LED於運作過程中產生大量的熱,容易造成元件因溫度過高而損壞。因此,如何有效的移除熱量,有助於增加元件的壽命是本研究之目的。為解決上述問題,透過設計開發可應用於車頭燈與固態照明的散熱模組,探討散熱模組對於元件效率與壽命的影響。


Due to the advantages of High-brightness light-emitting diode (High Brightness Light Emitting Diode, HB-LED), such as fast response, long cycle life, resistance to vibration, high brightness, high stability, easy to design, low driving power, low heat radiation, high lighting design freedom, and so on, it has been widely used in car lights, small lighting, mirrors and turn signals taillight modules in recent years. Moreover, it can catch the attention of consumers by design beautiful LED lamps. Therefore, the overall market potential is considerable, and the vehicle lamps also become the next stage of development goals. With the HB-LED headlight systems in packaging and design technology continues to improve result in prompting HB-LED in the car market flourished. However, the biggest problem of HB-LED is the heat spread. Because a lot of heat is generated under high operation of current and the device is easily damage under high temperature. Therefore, in order to increase the life of devices, how to remove heat effectively is the purpose of this study. Therefore, we want to solve heat spread problem by design and development heat sink module to applicate in the headlights and solid state lighting. The effect of heat sink module on efficiency and lifetime of device is explored.


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