  • 學位論文


The Development of Sensor Signal Data Acquisition System

指導教授 : 禇文和


現今車輛對於引擎管理系統中各感知器訊號量測,普遍仍以各廠牌所提供的專用檢測儀器為主,但這些檢測儀器常受限於硬體本身記憶體容量的限制,造成車輛維修人員無法長時間觀察引擎管理系統中各感知器發生間歇性故障的頻率與時間。本文目標為製作一套能適用於Windows視窗作業環境,且操作容易、準確度高的訊號擷取系統。 本訊號擷取系統設計,係採用Microsoft .NET Framework為開發環境,並使用C#程式語言,應用物件導向概念來製作軟體程式,以結合ADVANTECH 公司所開發的USB-4711A訊號擷取器,最多可同時擷取16組訊號,其功能介面包含: 起始通道設定、量測通道數設定、擷取頻率調整、量測電壓值範圍調整、顯示波形與電壓數值等;另以中華威利引擎ECU模擬器作為量測目標硬體,並與Auto Data Scan診斷儀器量測值作一比對。 藉由本文所發展之訊號擷取系統的研究成果,除了可滿足引擎檢修需求外,亦可節省車輛檢修所需的成本,包括時間、物料等。是一套功能強大且快速的引擎檢修、量測、監控及教學系統。對於現場車輛維修人員而言除了能夠加速維修作業之外,更可提高引擎故障診斷的正確性。


Nowadays, each automobile brand provides the majority examination instruments for signal sensor quality for its own engine management system. However, due to the limitation of the hardware, specifically the ram size, automobile maintenance personnel are not able to constantly monitor these engine management systems’ signal sensor’s periodic breakdown frequency and time. This article’s goal is to produce a user-friendly and highly accurate signal retrieving system that is suitable in running Windows Operating Systems. The design for this signal retrieving system utilizes Microsoft .Net Framework as development environment, C# as programming language, and accessories directed concept into the production of this software in order to integrate USB-4711A signal retriever developed by ADVANTECH successfully. These retrievers are capable of simultaneously retrieving 16 groups of signals. Their functional interface includes Start Channels Configuration, Channel Count Configuration, Retrieving Channels Adjustment, Sample Interval Configuration, as well as wave-shape and Voltage Values. In addition, it uses VARICA Engine’s ECE Simulator as target hardware as well as values obtained from Auto Data Scan diagnostic equipment for comparison purposes. The research results of signal retrieving system in this report will satisfy not only the engine examination demand but the costs of automobile examination such as time and resources. It is a powerful and fast system for engine maintenance, measuring, monitoring, and learning. Consequently, automobile maintenance personnel will be able to speed up their maintaining process and increase the accuracy of diagnosing engine’s problems.


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