  • 學位論文

Motivators and deterrents for blood donation: a systematic review

Motivators and deterrents for blood donation: a systematic review



Blood donation is an important public health issue globally and locally. Recruitment and retention of blood donors are the biggest challenge for blood donation. The purpose of this systematic review is to identify the motivators and deterrents for blood donation. PubMed, Medline and China Journal Net were searched using (blood donation OR blood donor) AND (motivation OR deterrent) and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Nine studies on motivators or deterrents for blood donation were retrieved. Taking into account the situation in Hong Kong and findings gathered from this systematic review, policy suggestions are made. Limitations of this systematic review are also discussed. This systematic review suggests that more Asian studies should be conducted to inform the culturally pertinent measures in Hong Kong.


Blood - Transfusion.