  • 學位論文


A Mouse Simulation System Based on Eye-Tracking Technology

指導教授 : 袁賢銘


本論文研究與人機互動有關,近幾年的眼動追蹤技術,主要大多著重在分析人類的注視點(Area of interest),可以將其研究成果應用在廣告、平面媒體等領域。而本研究希望能將眼動追蹤技術延伸到電腦操作上,以眼動作為人機溝通的關鍵實時輸入媒介,對身障者尤為重要。為了提高眼睛追蹤技術在人機互動中的可靠性、移動性和可用性,本文提出了一種綜合滑鼠和鍵盤功能的新型眼睛控制系統,讓使用者可以透過眼動儀達到在電腦上瀏覽、控制電腦等目的,使一般電腦操作方式除了傳統的滑鼠鍵盤界面還可以利用眼動儀來達成。本系統的重點是僅透過使用者的眼睛提供簡單和方便的交互模式,使系統的使用流程設計完美符合人類的自然使用習慣。 眼動儀硬體配備挑選方面,不同於早期眼動儀器帶有侵入性的運作方式,我們尋求對人體不會造成負擔,價格上也是一般群眾負擔得起的設備。我們撰寫了一個優化的虛擬滑鼠程式,可以搭配眼動儀使用來操控滑鼠位置,而虛擬滑鼠程式提供了界面,根據滑鼠位置不同可選用不同功能模組,讓使用者使用眼睛即可對電腦進行滑鼠及鍵盤的功能操作。同時為了了解這樣的使用模式的使用者接受度,我們設計了兩階段實驗,並且邀請了共計四十六位不重複的受測者來做試用,並於試用實驗結束後請受測者進行TAM以及SUS兩層面的問卷評分,最後再對回收的問卷做進一步使用者接受度以及系統易用性等分析,同時再省思此研究的未來發展。


眼動儀 眼動追蹤 人機互動


This study is to provide the research of Human-Computer Interaction. Current technology of interaction between computer and human are mostly relying on the four limbs of the body. But it is extremely inconvenience for those who have shattered limbs to do so, they cannot use the mouse and keyboard at all! Furthermore, people may have a chance that not able to operate the computer by their hands. In order to solve such an issue, this research is adopting the eye-tracking technology to replace the conventional technology which is to operate the computer by mouse and keyboard. In other word, the eye tracker is replacing mouse and keyboard in operating the computer in this research. Unlike the invasive eye tracker in earlier days, in this research we have searched and selected the device with no burden to human body, and also affordable to most of people. We also wrote a superior virtual mouse driver so we can manipulate and position the cursor through eye tracker. The virtual mouse driver offers the interface, we can choose different driver module based on different position of cursor which enables the users to use the eyes to manipulate the mouse and keyboard of the computer. Meanwhile, in order to understand the acceptability of the users of the operation models, we invited 46 of volunteers for a trial. After the trial, the questionnaire was applied to the volunteers. We collected the answers of the questionnaire for further analysis and research.


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