  • 學位論文


Projective Symbol: The Construction of Spatial Authenticity

指導教授 : 龔書章


本論文旨在探討空間如何成為開放、流動的媒介,如同一面能映照出 個體形貌與慾望的鏡子,讓所有人都從中找到各自的共鳴,進而發展 個體的獨特性。 研究從一種被稱為「靈光」的經驗出發,透過剖析「靈光」的來源, 瞭解文學與藝術如何對觀者傳達信息,觀者又是如何接收與自主詮 釋,藉以探討建築與空間設計領域的機會。本論文援引拉岡的「鏡像 理論」,將空間假設為居中負責傳遞訊息的媒介,從使用者與設計者 兩方為觀看視角,分別檢視空間之於兩者的意義。透過爬梳「符號」 在這之中所扮演的角色,輔以當代「共同參與」及「地方營造」等空 間運用觀點,以一場「環境劇場」的設計演練為模擬,企圖歸納出「鏡 像空間」的設計操作方法。


The thesis is a response to series of curiosity of how space become an open and dynamic medium. The hypothesis is that space design can help its every user to bring out desires and at the same time, to reflect one’s individuality; Space design can support one to build self-recognition. The study started form a special experience called “Aura”, a term borrowed form Walter Benjamin, to exam information been passed in arts. Then analyzed the inner system of viewers to interpret. The study was for further discussion and creating opportunities in space design.


1. ICOMOS. “The Venice Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites.” Venice, Italy, 1964.
2. Lacan, “Of the Gaze as Objet Petit a,” The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-Analysis. Trans. By Alan Sheridan, New York, London: W.W. Norton & company, 1978.
3. UNESCO. “Nara Document on Authenticity.” Nara, Japan, 1994.
4. William McGregor. Linguistics:An Introduction. New York, London: Continuum,
