  • 學位論文


Through the Experience of Virtual Reality Exploring the Influence of O2O Channel Integration on Consumer's Purchasing Intention-The Case of Apparel

指導教授 : 陳光華


線上線下虛實通路整合(Online to Offline)的重要性近年來商業界對其探究越加頻繁,從資策會(MIC) 2016年的報告也知曉消費者每月網購金額占消費總支出的比例是17.8%,可發現消費行為對通路的選擇已產生轉移現象,那麼通路整合後的下一步是什麼?即是客戶使用通路的價值感官都應列入追蹤,讓客戶能體會到業者提供服務一致性的便利價值。虛擬實境VR的應用於2016年討論聲浪開始熱絡, 2017年各大VR製造廠對其自家產品也都大幅降價,如何去整合虛實通路與VR技術來行銷、傳遞產品價值並取得客戶信任,來做出決策與分配資源是值得研究的。 本研究專注虛實通路價值的整合與VR技術應用等特性,參考Sheth(1991)等人的價值構面和Witmer(1998與2005)等人於沉浸傾向與臨場感的量表來設計問卷,並以Davis(1989)所提出的科技接受模型做為研究架構,投入個人差異與通路整合價值特性作為外生變數,並加入虛擬實境的使用特性作為調節變數,最後回收408份有效問卷,會執行因素分析與結構方程模型(SEM)來分析與驗證。 結果顯示,消費者對線上線下O2O虛實通路的使用有價值影響,各構面間,除了消費者對O2O通路的個人創新性無顯著影響外,其他全都是正向的顯著影響。正因為本研究發現虛實整合對於費者的價值感受是相當重要的,即便臺灣的實體服飾廠商交易相當便利,憑藉網路做到線上線下通路的整合,能近一步促進交易動機,最後本研究發現虛擬實境應用導入對O2O虛實通路的使用,是正面的調節影響。


The importance of the O2O(Online to Offline) channel integration is mentioned more frequent in the business in recent years. We can learn from the survey in MIC in 2016 that the percentage of online purchases made by consumers’ total monthly consumption expenditure is 17.8%. It presents the consumption behavior of the channel selection has changed. What’s the next step after the channel integration? It is the value of the customer to the use of the channel should be tracked. Let customers experience the convenience value of the service consistency by provider. The application of virtual reality(VR) begans to heat up in 2016. And the major VR manufacturers also significantly reduced their prices of their own products in 2017. How to integrate O2O channel with VR technology to market, deliver the value of product and win customer trust for the firms to make the decision and allocate the limited resources. It is worthwhile to do research. This study focuses on the value of O2O channel integration and the application of VR technology. The questionnaires are designed by adopting from Sheth et al.'s value model in 1991 and Witmer et al's Presence Model.Take TAM model as the research framework. Organize the variables with exogenous variables like personal differences as well as value characteristics of the channel integration and with the application of virtual reality as the moderator variable. Finally, a total of 408 valid questionnaires are collected. And then use factor analysis by SPSS and adopt structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the data. The result shows that the value of O2O channel integration has an impact on consumers. Except that the self-innovation doesn’t affect the perceived ease of use significiantly, the other dimensions all significantly affect each other. Because we find that the value of O2O channel integration is very important to consumers. Even if the transaction of apparel store is very convenient in Taiwan, the integration of online and offline channels is also a notable step to promote the motivation of the apparel transaction. At the end, this study shows that there are differences in the application of virtual reality moderators to users’ attitude and behavior intention of the O2O channel integration.


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