  • 學位論文

創新型領導對員工價值共創之影響- 以個人組織適配與個人主管適配為中介角色之分析

The Impact of Innovative Leadership on Employee Value Co-creation : Exploring the Mediating Effects of Person-Organization Fit and Person-Supervisor Fit

指導教授 : 蕭嬋


本研究試圖回答:「創新型領導如何透過個人與組織適配及個人與主管適配,來刺激員工價值共創?」為回答此問題,本研究以跨層次線性模型,分析組織層次之創新型領導及個人層次之個人與組織適配、個人與主管適配及員工價值共創之間的關係。 本研究探討之內容分為三個部分,第一部分,探討組織層次之創新型領導與個人層次之員工價值共創是否有正向相關(H1);第二部分,將個人與組織適配放入創新型領導與員工價值共創之中,探討其是否有中介關系(H2) ;第三部分,將個人與主管適配放入創新型領導與員工價值共創之中,探討其是否具有中介關係(H3)。本研究採樣沒有特別選定產業,而是以同一組織3人為單位進行問卷調查,共發放出391份問卷,回收有效問卷數為335份,有效問卷回收率為85.67%。 研究結果顯示,創新型領導對員工價值共創並無顯著正向相關;創新型領導與個人組織適配有正向關係,個人與組織適配在創新型領導及員工價值共創之中具有中介效果;創新型領導與個人主管適配有正向關係,個人與主管適配對創新型領導及員工價值共創具有中介效果。 本研究貢獻如下。第一,從組織、企業觀點來看創新型領導,豐富領導風格研究領域;第二,將員工視為內部顧客並探討其與企業本身之價值共創,並將之做為創新型領導的結果變項;第三,本研究結果發現創新型領導無法直接影響員工價值共創,但透過「個人與組織適配」、「個人與主管適配」兩個變數之中介效果,有顯著正相關。


This study attempts to answer the question: "How innovative leadership can stimulate employee value co-creation through person-organization fit and person-supervisor fit?" To answer this question, this study uses cross-level linear models to analyze the relationship between innovative leadership at the organizational-level and person-organizational fit and person-supervisor fit and value co-creation at the personal level. The content of this study is divided into three parts. The first part discusses whether there is a positive correlation between innovative leadership at the organizational level and the employee value co-creation at the individual level (H1). The second part is to put person-organization fit into the Innovative leadership and employee value co-creation and discuss whether there is an intermediary relationship (H2). In the third part is to put person-supervisor fit into innovative leadership and employee value co-creation and explore whether they have an intermediary relationship. (H3). There was no specific industry in this study. Instead, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the basis of 3 persons in the same organization. A total of 391 questionnaires were distributed, 335 were valid and 85.67% were valid. The results of the study show that innovative leaders have no significant positive correlation with employee value co-creation; positive relationships between innovative leadership and person-organization fit, and person-organization fit has a positive mediating effect in innovation leadership and employee value co-creation; positive relationships between innovative leadership and person-supervisor fit, and person-supervisor fit has a positive mediating effect in innovation leadership and employee value co-creation. The contribution of this study is as follows. First, innovative leadership from the perspective of organizations and companies, enriching the research field of leadership style; second, treating employees as internal customers and discussing their value co-creation with the company itself as a result of innovative leadership; thirdly, the results of this study find that innovative leadership cannot directly affect the employee value co-creation, but there is a significant positive correlation through the mediating effects of the “person-organization fit” and “ person-supervisor fit” .


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