  • 學位論文


Peak Load Shifting in the Internet of Energy with Energy Trading among End-Users

指導教授 : 林春成


隨著經濟和社會的發展,使得能源消費市場的需求激增,以煤炭作爲其燃料的傳統電力生產爲滿足日益增加的消費需求而加大生產,從而帶來空氣污染等問題。由於目前全球的環保意識覺醒,許多環保組織政府共同制定相關法規限制傳統燃料生產電力的產量。這使得在用電高峰的時候出現電力短缺的問題在世界上的很多地方都頻發。缺電問題不僅會危害電網安全,甚至會給我們的生活帶來不便與經濟損失。同時近年來可再生能源發電的技術以及互聯網技術的發展,能源互聯網時代已經來臨,由於能源互聯網環境中使用了大量分佈式發電與儲能設備並使用互聯網技術實現了能源的共享,這樣能夠更好的提升電網使用效率,維護電網安全。由於能源互聯網環境中使用了大量分佈式發電與儲能設備並使用互聯網技術實現了能源的共享,這樣能夠更好的提升電網使用效率,維護電網安全。但是目前的研究都鮮少在此能源互聯網架構下思考電力的削峰填谷問題。因此本文考慮了能源互聯網下的能源市場里的消費者們使用電力儲能系統並進行能源交易,幫助電網處理削峰填谷議題。本研究將建立能源互聯網架構下的儲能設備進行充電的成本與釋能的獲利的數學模型,使用數學規劃求解,得到能源市場消費者的最低的運營成本並得到用戶進行儲能釋能作業的作業計劃。此數學模型有以下特點:一、 將能源消費者納入了能源市場的供應商,並考慮其運營成本;二、 同時考量了電網電力與分佈式可再生能源為儲能設備充電;三、充分利用了能源市場的即時價格對供需分佈的影響。本研究使用模擬數據對數學模型進行求解,結果將與原本的充電曲線進行對比,進行結果分析。經過實驗我們驗證了本研究所提出之數學模型所求得之最佳解可以幫助消費者降低電力使用成本,同時改善該區域電網的負載峰值即減少電力損失。


Recent advances in renewable energy generation and the Internet of things (IoT) has urged energy management to enter the era of the Internet of energy (IoE). The IoE adopts a huge number of distributed energy-generating facilities, distributed energy storage facilities, and IoT technologies to implement energy sharing, promote utilization of electrical grids, and maintain safety of electrical grids. Rapid economic and social development makes energy demand increasing. But now many global environmental organizations and governments made the laws to reduce power production of traditional power plant, so that the shortage of energy tend to be increasingly serious. Most cases of energy shortage occur during the peak energy load, and hence the previous works focused on shifting peak load to address energy shortage. However, few of these works took the IoE framework into account. Consequently, this work aims to consider the IoE framework to investigate the peak load shifting problem in which end-users in the energy market can adopt their respective energy storage facilities to charge and discharge energy to minimize the total operating costs. In such a problem setting, each end-user can not only be a demander but also be a supplier in the energy market, so that operating costs are concerned; the energies from both conventional electrical grids and distributed renewable energy sources can be stored in energy storage facilities; real-time price of energy will be applied adequately to affect energy distribution of supply and demand. Simulation results on a case study show that the proposed model can obtain the optimal result, and achieve peak load shifting.


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